Real-time data for seismic monitoring at INGV National Earthquake Center S. Mazza et al. Centro Nazionale Terremoti Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Rome, Italy
Seismic service
Responsibilities toward Civil Protection we provide location and magnitude estimations to the Italian Civil Protection for all Ml>2.5: – in two minutes a short, qualitative notification; – a preliminary (automatic) determination within 5 minutes; – a robust revised location within 30 minutes. Non mandatory, but convenient: answer to press, public, local authorities. 3 persons on shift 24/7 (2 seismologist and 1 engineer); 1 senior seismologist on call;
AIDA Advanced Information and Data Acquisition system for seismology Off-line real time
Network (inclusive of partners) Around 450 stations from 30 different networks, ~350 IV+MN stations ~24 Tbytes (2007-today) arc'd ~5 Tbytes/year 60 short period 120 accelerometers (co-located to velocimeters)
Tipical 3-sensor station (acc, vel, gps) SantAgata di Puglia (FG)
Protocol/Link combinations
Real time acquisition monitoring SL monitor shows data latencies in real time, but also real time waveform, through SeisGram2k. NAQS visual check is available through Waveform.
Locations Italian Seismicity: hypoinverse (no velocity regionalization) On a global scale: Early-EST With the extra-value of tsunamigenic potential
Near real time revision Sispick2 home grown software adapted to EW; Used for nrt and bulletin; MS Windows, but the personnel on shift is acquainted to it and to the os; DB input/output.
Views on the wallscreen
Time Domain Moment Tensors
Shake Maps, etc.etc.
Database as an active tool We have many db's, but integrated in one logical huge db, to keep track of all the information regarding stations and procedures: Configuration files Channel Routing Coordinates Response Functions Dataless information Binder parameters Picker Channel params Data permissions Station problem tracking.....
Database as a repository but also to store and retrieve seismological results: Locations Bulletins QRT manual relocations and communications Moment tensors Global locations Web pages Alerts Reports....
Archiving tools
Data archiving Broad-band seismic recording has the purpose of recording all seismic signals of interest in a single three-component set of seismograms, as opposed to recording different types of signals in separate channels. (E. Wielandt) This implies: Continuous signals Accurate metadata Multiple data streams (downsampling)
Archive operations Data are archived in real time (slarchive – Compressed miniseed (steim2) – Downsampled (according to sensor bandwidth) – Day/component files – Quality checked The day after: – Data are completed SL: rsync-ed from stations NMX: re-requesting data from dataserver – Files are transferred to SAN
European Integrated Data Archive
Recent efforts: increase system robustness 2 complete and indipendent chains in Rome for acquisition, analysis and archive 2 further chains in Sede Irpinia for acquisition (NMX and SL), analysis (EW) and archive Shared routines in case of major failures (disaster recovery, in progress) Rome Sede Irpinia Catania