California Teleconnect Fund Program Application September 5, 2008
CTF Application What we like about the application Simplicity, as the form is not complicated and easy to fill out. This simplicity encourages more potential participants to apply and benefit from the program. The form is easy to track and replace if a participant misplaces it.
CTF Application Inclusion of California Community Colleges Assigned a unique six-digit number starting with This allows for staff to easily track these participants. A Community College or district needs to include its three digit MIS code number on the application.
CTF Application non-profit Community Based Organizations Apply as a CBO and include all the necessary information required for a CBO applicant.
CTF Application California Telehealth Network participants There is no separate category as they are either a community based organization or government-owned hospitals and health clinics. However, they should respond yes/no whether they are/are not CTN participants.
CTF Application Application review process Staff is working to maintain turnaround time to approximately one month from the date the application is received.
CTF Application Up next: Claims!