1 Quality Assurance During Coding Operations
2 What Is Coding? The conversion of human language provided in censuses, surveys, or other forms into numbered (coded) categories for data processing and tabulation.
3 Two Ways to Collect Data 1. Closed (check-box) categories 2. Open-ended (write-in) responses
4 Open-ended Responses in the U.S. Census 1. General (race, ethnicity, ancestry, language, relationship) 2. Geographic (place of birth, place of work, migration) 3. Employment and jobs (industry and occupation - “I & O”)
5 Essential Steps in a Coding Operation 1. Classification system - a set of categories and codes that represent them 2. Rules or procedures for assigning the codes 3. Reference materials or examples that provide the information needed to follow the rules 4. Coding method - automated or clerical
6 For Automated Coding Software development, including time and cost Testing against human coders (called “validation”) Determining what is acceptable output Assigning unacceptable and uncoded work to clerks
7 For Clerical Coding Determining time, staff, and cost needed for completion Acquiring space and equipment Determining logistics (supervision and workflow) Hiring staff Training and testing staff Process for difficult cases - perhaps problem referral
8 Monitoring Operations and Quality Assurance (QA) Developing resources for helping coders (experts and procedural updates) Monitoring workflow, keeping everyone busy (assignment clerks and specialized coders) Developing quality assurance methods
9 Quality Assurance Methods 1. Verification of codes 2. Select samples to be checked 3. Process for selection of samples 4. Method of verification (dependent or independent) 5. Process for comparing results (matcher)
10 Verification Options Dependent 2-way 3-way Independent 2-way 3-way
11 Coding Operation Reports Daily and weekly reports that provide results to supervisors and managers 1. Error rates per item by coder 2. Simple calculation to determine acceptable/unacceptable work
12 Decision Strategies 1. Determining what is acceptable work 2. Determining incentives for quality work (award system) 3. Determining what to do about unacceptable work (re-work, re- train, other disciplinary actions)