Velocity and strain rate fields across the fault from integration of regional GPS networks WP 1.3 Velocity and strain rate fields across the fault from integration of regional GPS networks Resp. Nicola DAgostino E. DAnastasio *, F. Criscuoli *, A. Avallone *, A. Memmolo *, F. Minichiello *, G. De Luca *, F. Migliari *, L. Mondiali *, F. Radicioni **, A. Stoppini **, G. Fastellini ** * Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Centro Nazionale Terremoti ** Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale, Perugia (Labtopo) DPC S5 - Test site Alto Tiberina fault Roma, 24 marzo 2010
Objectives integrate GPS data from regional GPS networks homogeneous velocity field in terms of data processing and reference frame alignment distribution of the tectonic strain rate and the rate of strain accumulation of known active faults
Velocity field – end of 2008 After DAgostino et al., Tectonophysics, 2009
MURB optimal site Deep reinforced concrete pillar (5 m)
MVAL Optimal site Wyatt/Agnew short drilled braced
MURB Vs. MVAL time series Antenna change due to lightning
Velocity field – 2004 CGPS with age > 2.5 yrs
Velocity field – today CGPS with age > 2.5 yrs
Strain rate from GPS (to be upgraded with increasing number of CGPS) After DAgostino et al., Tectonophysics, 2009
Range of geodetic Vs. seismic moment Mw > 5.5 last 720 years sum of geodetic strain rates for different seismogenic thickness After DAgostino et al., Tectonophysics, 2009
Zoom on ATF zone 5 new installed CGPS stations 4 new RING sites > 2.5 years old for ATF transect ATFO already active (since July 2009) 4: monument is done, will start logging today + 1 (or 2) to be done
- Updated Time series of the ATF sites - Updated GPS velocity field of the region in both ITRF05 and Eurasia reference frames - Updated map of strain rates - Updated geodetic moment rate at the ATF sites For the end of the project, we will provide: