Task 2. Test site Messina Strait WP2.5 G. Neri, Univ. Messina Meccanismi dei terremoti e regimi di stress tettonico nellarea dello Stretto di Messina
Focal mechanisms – CAP method We computed the moment tensor solutions using the Cut And Paste (CAP) method originally proposed by Zhao and Helmerger (1994) and later modified by Zhu and Helmerger (1996). The focal mechanisms and source depth are determined using a grid search technique. Each waveform is broken into Pnl and surface-wave segments. CAP has proven to be effective for analyzing earthquakes even with magnitudes between 2.5 and 4.0 Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Università di Messina
23 eqks (M>=3; focal depths less than 25 km; period ) broadband stations of INGV & MedNet from Barberi et al., 2004
(km) travel time (sec) 1. si definisce un set di eventi e stazioni 2. si calcolano i TT teorici relativi nel modello 3D 3. si costruisce il grafico TT vs 4. dai fits con la teoria delle dromocrone si ricostruisce il modello 1D equivalente valori Vp da tomografia
TESTS from Barberi et al., 2004 from Barberi et al., 2004 for the present dataset from Neri et al., 2009
Black and white in the polar plot correspond to P and T axes, respectively.
Black and white in the polar plots correspond to P and T axes, respectively. Normal faulting resulted to be dominant in sector A, more favourably positioned with respect to the southeast-ward retreat of subduction hinge, while strike-slip components become evident in sector B located across the transfer zone between the extensional and compressional domains.
3<=M<3.5 M>=3.5 EARTHQUAKES 97 eqks M>=3.0 Period DATA
STATIONS CAT/SCAN Project funded by National Science Fundation - Lamont Observatory NY - Dipartimento di Fisica Università della Calabria - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Eventi in studio con i dati delle stazioni temporanee Messina earthquakes 01/11/ /05/2009 Ml>2.5
Next steps… FM computations with the additional contribution by the INGV experiment data Comparison and integration with other data available (RCMT, TDMT, EMMA, literature, … ) Computations of stress fields