S q u a r e I t ! Unit Plan Presentation Janel Montano
Unit Summary For a period of about two weeks, high school algebra students will focus on the quadratic formula. Students will form groups and research what the formula is, how it came to be, where it came from, and who it came from. They will also research the different kinds of applications the formula is used for. Each group will come up with a creative way to learn the quadratic formula by heart and not by memorization. They will also give an example of an application. They will present their application example and their creative way to learn the formula to the class.
Essential Question How does Math affect our daily lives?
Unit Questions When am I ever going to use the quadratic formula? Is the quadratic formula commonly used outside of the classroom? The application of quadratic equations finds its use in the structure of a suspension bridge.
Content Questions What is the quadratic formula? When do we usually need the quadratic formula? How are quadratic functions related to the quadratic formula?
TargeTed Content Standards 19.0 Students know the quadratic formula and are familiar with its proof by completing the square 20.0 Students use the quadratic formula to find the roots of a second-degree polynomial and to solve quadratic equations Students graph quadratic functions and know that their roots are the x-intercepts Students use the quadratic formula or factoring techniques or both to determine whether the graph of a quadratic function will intersect the x-axis in zero, one, or two points Students apply quadratic equations to physical problems, such as the motion of an object under the force of gravity.
Unit Objectives Students will make a creative poster in groups to explain what the quadratic formula is and how it came to be. Students will know the quadratic formula as if it were their name. Students will research some of the applications the quadratic formula is needed for. Students will understand that quadratic equations are applied to the real world.
Project Based Learning Why use projects? Projects are a simple learning technique that help students in a number of ways. Independent projects enhance independent responsibility and independent learning. Group projects allow the students to help each other out and also help the students build strong social skills. Overall, projects do not only give students a challenging activity, buy also a spark of interest and a spark of fun.
Assessment: gauging student needs In order to assess the students, I will use the following: Questioning and Discussion K-W-H-L Chart Prediction and Observation Chart Data Management Chart Group and Self Assessment Performance Based Assessment With these activities, I will assess what they know beforehand and what they know at the end.
The end! Thanks for listening… Unit Plan Presentation Janel Montano