Developments in the management of sepsis at BHT Dr KJ Cann 12/12/12
Sepsis at Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust ScopeChallenge Change Outcome Recognition and management of septic patients as in "surviving sepsis" Delayed antibiotic administration of antibiotics, lack of sampling i.Sepsis training day – including neutropaenic sepsis ii.Development of sepsis ICP iii.Audit iv.Training Audits of A&E patients with positive blood cultures: mean time to antibiotics hr hr July hr Jan. 2012
Sepsis at Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust FURTHER WORK 4th audit underway:- 1 month cohort of culture positive ALL sites (i.e.: wards and A&E) Use results for re-launch of I.C.P. Reaudit with ICP included in blood culture sets
Neutropaenic Sepsis at Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust Cancer Care and Haematology Unit *Dr A Panigrahi, SDU Lead *Jeanette Tebbutt, Nurse Consultant and Lead Cancer Nurse ScopeChallenge Door to needle time for antibiotics 1 hour = 100% - CQUIN 2012/2013 Change Education and awareness raising with junior doctors, ward staff and patients. Clear pathway Outcome 1 st audit: 2/9 = 22% antibiotics 1hr 2 nd audit: 10/14 = 71% antibiotics 1hr Needs to 100% in Q3 and Q4 to achieve CQUIN