Steroids Steroids, the popular name for synthetic substances related to the male sex hormones, promote muscle growth and the development of male sexual characteristics. Steroids are legally available only with a prescription. They are prescribed to treat conditions such as delayed puberty, some types of impotence, and body-wasting in patients suffering with AIDS. Steroids are abused, often by athletes, to enhance athletic performance and to improve physical appearance. By :: Marissa W., Samantha C., Chase S. and Sarah D.
Pros Steroids can also be good for you. Doctors give them to you for rashes and allergies. Certain steroids are a safe way to treat kids with asthma but they do have side-effects. Steroids can also make you stronger and help you to lose weight.
Cons Your kidneys, liver, and stomach can be destroyed because of steroids. Too many steroids can destroy your mind. If people take illegal steroids, they will have mood swings. You can be very violent or depressed so much that you might kill yourself. Steroids are taken to strengthen muscles, but they can damage them, too. Steroids can cause heart disease and cancer. They can also make a young child stop growing.
What do we think about steroids? We think steroids are extremely bad for your body. Most steroids are illegal drugs so when you take them you are breaking the law. Also, we think that taking steroids is very disgusting. In addition, they make you very depressed and maybe lead to killing yourself. Trying to be like everyone else by ruining your own body is extremely stupid.
Summary In conclusion, we have found that steroids are very bad for you. Some of the adds for steroids are very misleading and make people think that they are good for you but, they actually can hurt you. Many people who take steroids end up becoming depressed and killing themselves. They are illegal unless you get them from a doctor. Some Pros of Taking Steroids Some Side-Effects and Cons of Steroids