CEN WS/BII2 1 Spreading interoperability in eProcurement processes across Europe Open Seminar Brussels December 6, 2012
CEN WS/BII2 eNotificationTeam Didier Hardy, eNotification Team Leader 2
CEN WS/BII2 CONTENT EC – Publications Office: TED mandate and services Links eTendering eNotification eNotification stakeholders CEN BII2 – eNotification: Deliveries CEN BII3 – eNotification: Future potential deliverables
CEN WS/BII2 EC – Publications Office: TED mandate and services EC – Publication Office – TED Unit mandate PublicationTED ( Tenders Electronic Daily ) OJ S ( Supplement to the Official journal ) TED - Tenders electronic daily DVD-ROM OJS XML messages definition Based on the Public Procurement Regulation (standard forms) TED eSenders Around 65 monthly active Licenses Holders Around 120 subscriptions OJ S electronic since 1983 economic operators “buyers” – awarding authorities SIMAP eNotices TED website JOS TED eSenders licences holders PIN CN CAN 42,9 % 100 % ….. % TED figures – November ,2 %
CEN WS/BII2 eNotification & eTendering economic operators “buyers” – awarding authorities SIMAP eNotices TED website JOS TED eSenders licences holders PIN CN CAN eProcurement phases eAccesseSubmissioneAwardingcontracteOrderingeInvoicing call for tender preparation PINCNCAN eNotification Pre-awarding phasesPost-awarding phases
CEN WS/BII2 eNotification in eProcurement (stakeholders) buyer Economic operator eTendering Brokers Publishers Authorising Authority Supervising Authority eNotification Profiles eTendering - eNotification
CEN WS/BII2 CEN BII2 – eNotification task team: deliveries Liaison eTendering eNotification One type of business process to submit the publication of a procurement notice and to retrieve status Deliveries: Profile specification: Profile BII-10 eNotification Linked with the eTendering profiles Transaction information requirements: BiiTrns064 Pre-award Publication Library F1Prior information notice, F2 Contract notice, F3 Contract award notice BiiTrns065 NoticePublicationResponse Syntax binding to UBL Validation tool
CEN WS/BII2 CEN BII3 – eNotification task team: plan eNotification linked with INPUT from the eTendering processes: request to modify the original notice and reporting services Certified published notice …… within the publication process with authorising authorities: request to publication authorisation with supervising authorities: reporting services OUTPUT to other publishers forward notices to brokers Electronic journal exchange of eNotification metadata between brokers and economic operators
CEN WS/BII2 CEN BII3 - future potential work in the pre-awarding phases Continuity Support to implementers Maintenance Liaison with others Legal public procurement organisations Above thresholds: EC - DG-MARKT, Below thresholds: national authorities Implementation TED eSenders, PEPPOL Standardisation bodies
CEN WS/BII2 Conclusion CEN BII2 - eNotification Deliverables are available and usable A particular THANKS to the editors CEN BII3 - eNotification Future potential deliveries within eNotification: cover services for other stakeholders within eTendering: continue the constructive liaison work Maintenance, support and awareness tasks Publications Office (OP) - A4 “TED” Unit Head of Unit: PISANI Raymond HARDY Didier