Lambda hypernuclear spectroscopy up to medium heavy mass number at JLab Hall-C Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University Toshiyuki Gogami for the HES-HKS collaboration 1. Introduction ( JLab E experiment ) 2. Experimental setup M 2 HY = (E e + M T - E K+ - E e’ ) 2 - ( p e - p K+ - p e’ ) 2 Figure.1 : HES-HKS group photo in the experimental hall C in JLab (2009). Figure.2 : The experimental setup of JLab E (2009) Measure with spectrometers 3. Kaon identification 4. Missing Mass Figure.3 : A photograph of the HKS detector package NPE Mass square [GeV/c 2 ] 2 π+π+ 1 [m] K + p, π + K+K+ p π+π+ p K+K+ Figure.5 : NPE of Cherenkov detector vs. mass squared Cherenkov detectors -AC,WC- Aerogel (n=1.05) Water (n=1.33) Drift chambers -KDC1,KDC2- TOF walls -2X,1Y,1X- (Plastic scintillators) σ ≈ 250 [μm] TOF σ ≈ 170 [ps] Aerogel (n=1.05) Water (n=1.33) Figure.4 : Mass squared distribution Mass squared [GeV/c 2 ] 2 Online π + : % K + : 91.3% p : 3.8% 5. Electro-/photo- production of K + Λ 6. Summary Figure.11 : The differential cross section of K + Λ production SAPHIR : K.H.Glander et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 19, (2004) CLAS : R.Bradford et al., Phys. Rev. C 73, (2006) Light to medium heavy Λ hypernucler spectroscopy Λ, Σ 0, Λ, 7 Λ He, 9 Λ Li, 10 Λ Be, 12 Λ B, and 52 Λ V Clean kaon identification High background rejection efficiency with low K + loss fraction. Matrix tuning with Λ, Σ 0 and 12 Λ B In progress not only to get better resolution but also to keep linearity. K + Λ elementary production data at very forward kaon angle cosθ γk CM ~ 0.95, W~1.9 GeV, Q 2 ~0.01 [GeV/c] 2 Q 2 dependence p(e,e’K + )Λ ~1.8MeV (FWHM) p(e,e’K + )Σ 0 ~1.8MeV (FWHM) QF Λ from 12 C JLab E CH 2, ~ 450 [mg/cm 2 ] ~ 2.0 [μA] ~ 38 [hours] The polyethylene target was used as a proton target to optimize energy scale and to study an elementary process of K + Λ production. Figure.6 : A missing Mass spectrum of Polyethylene (CH 2 ) target Figure.7 : Coincidence time between K + s and scattered electrons. Figure.8 : A missing mass spectrum of 12 C target. 12 C(e,e’K + ) 12 Λ B pΛpΛ sΛsΛ Preliminary Figure.10 : The differential cross section of photo-production of K + Λ ( P.Bydzovsky and T.Mart, Phys. Rev. C 76, (2007) ) Lack of consistency at forward angles High statistical data have been awaited The matrix tuning is on progress not only to get better energy resolution but also to keep linearity. NUFRA Kemer (Antalya), Turkey Light Λ hypernuclei (A ≤ 12 ) ΛN-ΣN interaction Charge symmetry breaking Light Λ hypernuclei (A ≤ 12 ) ΛN-ΣN interaction Charge symmetry breaking Medium heavy Λ hypernuclei (A=52) Mass dependence of Λ single particle energy s-,p-,d-,f-orbit binding energy & cross section ls splitting Medium heavy Λ hypernuclei (A=52) Mass dependence of Λ single particle energy s-,p-,d-,f-orbit binding energy & cross section ls splitting Λ, Σ 0 Elementary processes Energy scale calibration Λ, Σ 0 Elementary processes Energy scale calibration Accidental coincidence Figure.12 : Q 2 dependence of differential cross section of K + Λ production Offline π + : 6.1 % K + : 86.7% p : 31.3% 80 : 1 : : 1 : : 1 : Online Offline π + : K + : p x, x’, y, Plane p, x’, 6 th order transfer matrix Tuned with Λ, Σ 0 and 12 Λ B g.s. 12 C(e,e’K + ) 12 Λ B u u d u s s u d p K+K+ Λ e e’ The (K -,π - ), (π +,K + ) reactions Energy resolution ~ a few MeV n Λ The (e,e’K + ) reaction Energy resolution ~0.5 MeV (FWHM) p Λ Mirror hypernuclei Absolute energy scale calibration 1990’s (e,e’K+) reaction sΛsΛ 10 B(e,e’K + ) 10 Λ Be Figure.9 : A missing mass spectrum of 10 B target. 10 B(e,e’K + ) 10 Λ Be Q 2 dependence was also measured and shown in Fig. 11. It shows no dependence in the Q2 region of 0 ~ [GeV/c] 2