The V-Atlas Event Visualization Program J. Boudreau, L. Hines, V. Tsulaia University of Pittsburgh A. Abdesselam University of Oxford T. Cornelissen NIKHEF J. Hoffman Southern Methodist University, Soltan's Institute for Nuclear Studies W. Liebig CERN R. McPherson University of Victoria/IPP E. Moyse University of Massachusetts A. Salzburger Leopold-Franzens-Universitaet Innsbruck M. Thioye State University of New York at Stony Brook I. Trigger TRIUMF CHEP 2006 TIFR, Mumbai
Introduction V-Atlas is the Event Visualization program integrated into ATLAS analysis framework ATHENA V-Atlas is the Event Visualization program integrated into ATLAS analysis framework ATHENA V-Atlas is based upon Open Inventor and it’s HEPVis extensions V-Atlas is based upon Open Inventor and it’s HEPVis extensions V-Atlas co-displays the real Detector Description/Simulation geometry together with event data V-Atlas co-displays the real Detector Description/Simulation geometry together with event data V-Atlas renders in real time on regular laptop computers, using their available graphics acceleration. V-Atlas renders in real time on regular laptop computers, using their available graphics acceleration. No commercial software is required No commercial software is required V-Atlas has been also actively used as a powerful debugging tool in various domains of ATLAS s/w V-Atlas has been also actively used as a powerful debugging tool in various domains of ATLAS s/w Detector Description, Simulation, Reconstruction Detector Description, Simulation, Reconstruction
What Is Open Inventor? The Open Inventor is a free, object-oriented 3D modeling toolkit, developed by SGI The Open Inventor is a free, object-oriented 3D modeling toolkit, developed by SGI The Open Inventor is a library of objects and methods used to create interactive 3D applications The Open Inventor is a library of objects and methods used to create interactive 3D applications Scene Database, Node Kits, Manipulators… Scene Database, Node Kits, Manipulators… The Open Inventor uses OpenGL for rendering, takes advantage of hardware acceleration in the graphics card The Open Inventor uses OpenGL for rendering, takes advantage of hardware acceleration in the graphics card Frame rates of 100/s are not uncommon, but that depends on platform and complexity Frame rates of 100/s are not uncommon, but that depends on platform and complexity It can be extended to meet new needs It can be extended to meet new needs And it is very well documented. Two books by J. Wernecke and The Open Inventor Architecture group And it is very well documented. Two books by J. Wernecke and The Open Inventor Architecture group “The Inventor Mentor” – toolkit description “The Inventor Mentor” – toolkit description “The Inventor Toolmaker” – guide to extending “The Inventor Toolmaker” – guide to extending
HEPVis – an extension to the Open Inventor The HEPVis project started in The main goal is to provide HEP specific extensions to the Open Inventor The HEPVis project started in The main goal is to provide HEP specific extensions to the Open Inventor These extensions are called Hepvis Library These extensions are called Hepvis Library HEP specific shapes, like helices. GEANT shapes HEP specific shapes, like helices. GEANT shapes “Smart Nodes” which can handle their own X-events “Smart Nodes” which can handle their own X-events HEP specific viewer, based on Open Inventor viewer HEP specific viewer, based on Open Inventor viewer Hepvis is an open library, it can expand Hepvis is an open library, it can expand New shapes or other objects New shapes or other objects The Open Inventor and its HEPVis extensions are well suited to the requirements of an interactive event display The Open Inventor and its HEPVis extensions are well suited to the requirements of an interactive event display
V-Atlas architecture V-Atlas consists of two main ATHENA modules V-Atlas consists of two main ATHENA modules GeoModelGraphics – V-Atlas ‘core’ module GeoModelGraphics – V-Atlas ‘core’ module HitDisplay – extensible module HitDisplay – extensible module HitDisplay module at initialization instantiates what we called an “embedded master”, which is a framework-within-a-framework HitDisplay module at initialization instantiates what we called an “embedded master”, which is a framework-within-a-framework The ATHENA framework handles events and database I/O, configuration options, loading of modular services and algorithms The ATHENA framework handles events and database I/O, configuration options, loading of modular services and algorithms The Embedded Master provides a framework for visualization roughly defined as “translating abstraction into geometry” The Embedded Master provides a framework for visualization roughly defined as “translating abstraction into geometry” HitDisplay module consists of several Systems, each serving its own special purpose HitDisplay module consists of several Systems, each serving its own special purpose Geometry System, Hit Display System, Calorimeter System, Track Parameters System, Template System and others Geometry System, Hit Display System, Calorimeter System, Track Parameters System, Template System and others
V-Atlas architecture How do the HitDisplay Systems work? V-Atlas user selects at run time which systems he/she wants to use V-Atlas user selects at run time which systems he/she wants to use The selected System is called at each event. It has access to the Transient Object Store within ATHENA framework – the Store Gate The selected System is called at each event. It has access to the Transient Object Store within ATHENA framework – the Store Gate The System is supposed to translate the Store Gate objects (hits, digits, tracks etc.) into geometry The System is supposed to translate the Store Gate objects (hits, digits, tracks etc.) into geometry In addition, the System may do something when the object is clicked In addition, the System may do something when the object is clicked Print object specific information to the text box Print object specific information to the text box Each System is accompanied by its personal Controller, which provides GUI for System methods Each System is accompanied by its personal Controller, which provides GUI for System methods Menu items, dialog boxes etc Menu items, dialog boxes etc
V-Atlas architecture How to extend V-Atlas functionalities? The functionality of V-Atlas program is extended by creating new Systems or developing the existing ones The functionality of V-Atlas program is extended by creating new Systems or developing the existing ones The modular structure of the V-Atlas allows independent development of HitDisplay Systems The modular structure of the V-Atlas allows independent development of HitDisplay Systems V-Atlas contains a special Template System which provides a good starting point for new developers V-Atlas contains a special Template System which provides a good starting point for new developers When one runs the display and launches the template system it prints out the information on how to clone and extend the template system When one runs the display and launches the template system it prints out the information on how to clone and extend the template system The users of V-Atlas can develop private Systems addressing their specific requirements and use these Systems for analysis & debugging The users of V-Atlas can develop private Systems addressing their specific requirements and use these Systems for analysis & debugging
V-Atlas Systems - Geometry The earliest systems to be used within V-Atlas were Geometry System, Measurement System, Hit Display System The earliest systems to be used within V-Atlas were Geometry System, Measurement System, Hit Display System The entire ATLAS DD geometry is visible The entire ATLAS DD geometry is visible Users can switch pieces on or off Users can switch pieces on or off Users can navigate volume hierarchy up and down Users can navigate volume hierarchy up and down Users can iconize pieces that get on their way Users can iconize pieces that get on their way It is possible to determine the software weight of any object It is possible to determine the software weight of any object This functionality does not work yet for Boolean solids This functionality does not work yet for Boolean solids Users can print volume identifiers – names and ‘copy numbers’ – at selection Users can print volume identifiers – names and ‘copy numbers’ – at selection Users can get volume transformation in the local coordinate frame Users can get volume transformation in the local coordinate frame If some volume is declared as ‘Alignable’, it is possible to manipulate with its position interactively If some volume is declared as ‘Alignable’, it is possible to manipulate with its position interactively
V-Atlas Systems - Geometry The earliest systems to be used within V-Atlas were Geometry System, Measurement System, Hit Display System The earliest systems to be used within V-Atlas were Geometry System, Measurement System, Hit Display System The various information about selected volumes is printed out in the text box
V-Atlas Systems - Geometry The earliest systems to be used within V-Atlas were Geometry System, Measurement System, Hit Display System The earliest systems to be used within V-Atlas were Geometry System, Measurement System, Hit Display System One can interactively move the Alignable volume … … and get alignment characteristics
V-Atlas Systems - Measurement The earliest systems to be used within V-Atlas were Geometry System, Measurement System, Hit Display System The earliest systems to be used within V-Atlas were Geometry System, Measurement System, Hit Display System
V-Atlas Systems – Hit Display The earliest systems to be used within V-Atlas were Geometry System, Measurement System, Hit Display System The earliest systems to be used within V-Atlas were Geometry System, Measurement System, Hit Display System Hit Display system played very important role in verifying the integrity of the geometry description and simulation. That was done by relocating hits in space using the geometry plus local coordinates of the hits.
GEANT4 can print in the log file positions of potentially dangerous points in geometry description GEANT4 can print in the log file positions of potentially dangerous points in geometry description It is possible to format them up as.iv or.wrl file … It is possible to format them up as.iv or.wrl file … … and then feed to V-Atlas in order to co-display with detector geometry … and then feed to V-Atlas in order to co-display with detector geometry V-Atlas is not just a viewer, it can act as a browser for VRML V-Atlas is not just a viewer, it can act as a browser for VRML V-Atlas Systems – Extra Input
V-Atlas Systems – Calorimeter Energy in ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter cells, with adjustable threshold
V-Atlas Systems – Tracking, Surfaces
V-Atlas Systems – Banks
V-Atlas Systems – Calo Clusters, Tracks
V-Atlas Systems – Digits
V-Atlas Systems – Beam Spot
V-Atlas as a debugging tool ‘Strange’ simulated event. It took forever to simulate… The visualization showed the problem immediately.
V-Atlas – Final Remarks V-Atlas, initially born as a rubric under the general task of ATLAS detector description, has gradually turned into a multifunctional Event Display program V-Atlas, initially born as a rubric under the general task of ATLAS detector description, has gradually turned into a multifunctional Event Display program Thanks to its modular architecture V-Atlas is evolving permanently by including new functionalities developed by specialists of various ATLAS software domains Thanks to its modular architecture V-Atlas is evolving permanently by including new functionalities developed by specialists of various ATLAS software domains V-Atlas is extensively used as a debugging tool for Detector Description software, Simulation and Reconstruction algorithms V-Atlas is extensively used as a debugging tool for Detector Description software, Simulation and Reconstruction algorithms We are also going to install and use V-Atlas as an Event Display at ATLAS Point 1 We are also going to install and use V-Atlas as an Event Display at ATLAS Point 1 … More information on our web site … More information on our web site