Reaction Dynamics Physical Chemistry CHM 351Dr Erdal OnurhanSlide 1 Reactive Encounters
Reaction Dynamics Physical Chemistry CHM 351Dr Erdal OnurhanSlide 2 A,B Collision Cross Section If A and B are not within a cylinder with a diameter equal to at least d, the two molecules will not collide.
Reaction Dynamics Physical Chemistry CHM 351Dr Erdal OnurhanSlide 3 Reactive Cross Section Not all collisions, even if energetically favourable, will result in products, because reactant molecules are not within the reactive cross-section, * (a submutiple of )
Reaction Dynamics Physical Chemistry CHM 351Dr Erdal OnurhanSlide 4 Cage Effect Because of the solvent molecules, the solute molecules move slowly. Cage effect helps the encounter pair to accumulate enough activation energy
Reaction Dynamics Physical Chemistry CHM 351Dr Erdal OnurhanSlide 5 Activated Complex - TST