Status & Plans for Backend Program  Backend Architecture  Current Status  Schedule for HF Backend  Schedule for HB/HE Backend  Summary & Plans November.


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Presentation transcript:

Status & Plans for Backend Program  Backend Architecture  Current Status  Schedule for HF Backend  Schedule for HB/HE Backend  Summary & Plans November 15, 2012 Manoj Sharan Yuichi Kubota

Nov 15, 2012 Back-end architecture uTCA standard as adopted by CMS Upgrade Working group Consists of 12 uHTR cards – receives data from front end, calculates & transmits trigger primitives AMC 13 Card-MCH2 card- Boston

Nov 15, 2012 Prototype Testing and Firmware development

Nov 15, 2012 Sharan 4 uTCA Progress  3 Broad categories –Comercial Item (Crate, Power modules, AC/DC Convertor, MCH Controller cards) –HTR Cards –AMC13 Card  Procurement of comercial item initiated  Succesful R&D for uHTR Cards & AMC13 cards  EDR Review scheduled for January-March-2013  Firmware Development progressing at good pace  Next month should allow full demonstration of parasitic operation upto 100kHz  Plans to calculate Trigger Primitives during H.I. run

Nov 15, 2012 Final uHTR Development Current mCTR2 cards are ½ scale R&D protoypes Final uHTR will support 24 fibres, more FPGA resources for trigger & lumi Setting up of a test bench at Kolkata for sub-module testing. Plan to have uHTR cards by year end at Minnesota – PCB’s made and assembly started. Firmware under advanced stage of development.

Nov 15, 2012 Sharan 6 Schedule For HF Backend

Nov 15, 2012 Sharan 7 Schedule For HB/HE Backend  Schedule driven by Trigger needs –Requirement for Optical Splitters everywhere as well  Completing work on backend during 2015/16 will be difficult.  We have to focus on the support of front end  Septemer April window for installation is ruled out.  Late 2016 `Likely’ to be considered too late by trigger

Nov 15, 2012 Sharan 8 Summary  Signifcant progress on Hardware and Firmware Front  Important for us to have the EDR/PRR soon (Jan-March 2013)  For HB/HE we quickly need to converge