LCAP Local Control Accountability Plan Norwalk-La Mirada Unified Annual Update and Consultation with Parents January 28, 2016
Free Public Education California Constitution, Article IX Federal Law: Non-establishment of Religion and Equal Protection Under the Law
State Funding Core textbooks and instructional materials Teachers and staff School Buildings: Maintenance, Construction, Utilities Transportation (Some) Basic School Supplies: crayons, pens, pencils, glue, paper, scissors, and rulers, etc. Support for Special Needs Students
Federal Funds Supplemental Funds Targeted for Particular Students Additional instructional materials Additional staff Additional professional development Supplemental instruction Supplemental books and instructional materials
How does the State funding for schools work?
Attendance Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Cost of one day of absence (per student) $56 Cost of five days of absence $280 One day of absence per month of school $560
Grants and Private Funding Science Math Professional Development PTA Educational Foundations
What is the LCFF? Local Control Funding Formula
Base, Supplemental, Concentration Grant Funds -Base Grant=All Pupils -Supplemental/Concentration Grants= Unduplicated Pupils
Who are “Unduplicated Pupils”? Students from Low Income Families English Learners Youth in Foster Care Regulations adopted by SBE on January 31, 2014: Requires districts to, “increase or improve services for EL/LI/FY pupils as compared to the services provided to all pupils in proportion to the increase in funds apportioned on the basis of the number and concentration of unduplicated pupils.”
LCFF Target Entitlement Analysis The Base amount includes the add-ons for TIIG and Transportation LCFF & Target Entitlement Calculation LCFF ComponentsAmountPer – ADA% Base$149,306,520$8, % Supplemental$22,353,768$1, % Concentration$15,979,093$ % Entitlement$187,639,381$10,147100%
What is the LCAP? Local Control Accountability Plan
What is the purpose of the LCAP? …to provide a quality education to all students, monitor student progress, and engage parents, students, and staff, in providing input into school district programs and services.
How do the LCAP and LCFF relate? The LCFF is the method used to calculate the amount of funds awarded by California to school districts. The LCAP is the plan for spending State funds to meet student academic needs and help them become college and career ready.
How does the LCAP relate to other school and district plans? Local Educational Agency Plan LCAP Single Plan for Student Achievement
Required Eight State Priorities Areas of State Priority Student Achievement Other Student Outcomes Parental Involvement Common Core State Standards Student Engagement School Climate Basic Services (Williams) Access to a Broad Curriculum
What are the State Priorities? A. Conditions of Learning Qualified Teachers State Standards (CCSS) Course Access B. Pupil Outcomes Achievement Data C. Engagement Students Parents School Climate
What are NLMUSD’s LCAP Goals? 1) Sense of Connectedness 2) Student Achievement 3) Exemplary Staff 4) Parent and Community Engagement 5) Access and Equity 6) Infrastructure and Operational Excellence
District Themes
Initiatives Leadership Training Visual and Performing Arts Instructional Coaching 2020 Learning (Technology) AVID Project Lead the Way (PLTW) College Expo Advanced Placement (AP) Link Crew/WEB Character Counts Class size reduction Safe, welcoming environments Standard Aligned Textbooks and Materials Parent Education Professional Learning Communities Multiple Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Intervention Specialists (Elementary) iTOSA College and Career Counseling Playworks Auto caller Website Career Technical Education Early Entry College Program AVID Elementary
What data do we need to examine? Standardized Test Scores English Learner Proficiency and Reclassification Rates College and Career Readiness Attendance Drop Out Rates Graduation Rate Suspension and Expulsion Rates iReady Data California Healthy Kids Climate Surveys California Healthy Kids Survey
How are our initiatives meeting student needs?