CCbar analysis M. Guler, METU, Ankara
0mu/1mu selection I: If (a vertex with one TT-matched track & Parent track (at least 0ne- segment) & at least two-segment daughter having TT-hits is reconstructed) II: If (a vertex with one-TT matched track & at least 3-segment Isolated Muon (or good hadron in 0mu) is reconstructed) If (a vertex with one-TT matched track & at least 3-segment Isolated Muon (or good hadron in 0mu) is reconstructed)III: If(a vertex wih at least one-TT track && a second vertex with tracks having TT-hits ) IV: If(a muon track (or good hadron in 0mu) is recontructed && at least 3 – segment track stop in the same plate. )
Data sample:Map ( events) Netscan Nucleus:Ver Selection:SatoMurat-ver03 && golden awk NuMu-CC events= 95450(93890) -Selected= charm -5 double charm 0mu events= selected= charm - 3 double charm Data sample
TT #6 TT #1, P d2 > C.L. TT #3, P d1 > C.L. TT #2, P d > C.L. pl E=41.4GeV
= mrad Ns=2, Nh=0 26 =104.2 mrad fl= m Min_mass > CL. 26 fl= m =179.0 mrad P T = P T = GeV/c(MCS) P T > C.L co-planality
TT #6 P P > CL. TT #3 P d4 > CL. TT #8, P d2 > CL. TT #5, P d1 > CL. pl23 pl E=29.9GeV P d3 > CL.
= mrad = mrad = mrad = mrad Ns=1, Nh=3 23 =96.3 mrad fl= 62.8 m Min_mass > CL. 22 fl= m =203.4 mrad Min_mass > CL.
Ns=2, Nh=0 9 =182.9 mrad fl= 50.9 m 8 fl= m E=21.6 GeV Pl 9Pl 8 TT #2 TT #1 TT #3 TT #4, P = ? rejected rejected
Ns>10, Nh>10 26 =79.4 mrad fl= m P T = GeV/c (MCS) P T > CL. 25 fl= m Pl28 Pl 26pl 25 Pl28 Pl 26pl 25 E=9.9 GeV P=-12.2GeV/c Evis=22.2GeV/c
E=36.9 GeV P=-16.9 GeV/c Pl31 pl30 Pl31 pl P d1 > CL.(TT #2) P d2 > CL. P d2 > CL. P d3 >2.32 CL.(TT #7) P d2 >1.92 CL.(TT #5) P d2 >1.92 CL.(TT #5) Evis= 53.8 GeV
d1 d2 D0D0D0D0 = mrad Ns=4, Nh=0 31 op = mrad fl= 58.2 m Min_mass> 0.79 CL. (using MCS momentums) 30 fl= 761 m co-planality
E=35.4 GeV P=-13.5 GeV/c Pl 7 Pl 6pl 4 Pl 7 Pl 6pl 4 Evis=48.9 GeV P>2.04 CL P>0.31 CL P>1.92 CL
d1 d2 D0D0D0D0 = mrad Ns=6, Nh=1 6 fl= m M min > 0.58 CL 4 fl= m = 67.4mra d P T > CL co-planality
E=17.5 GeV P=-22.9 GeV/c P33 Pl31 pl29 P33 Pl31 pl29 Evis=40.4 GeV P d > 0.39 CL. P d1 >2.08 CL. P d1 >2.08 CL. TT #4 P d2 > 1.09 CL.
d1 d2 D0D0D0D0 = mrad Ns=2, Nh=4 231 =302.0 mrad fl= m P t = P t = GeV/c (MCS) P t > CL. 29 op = mrad fl= m Min_mass> CL co-planality
Ns=2, Nh=0 20 fl= m Min_mass> CL. 20 fl= m Min_mass> CL E=75.4GeV P= GeV/c P22 Pl20 P22 Pl20 Evis=182.3 GeV P t1 >3.81 GeV/c P t1 >3.81 GeV/c P t2 >1.29 GeV/c P t2 >1.29 GeV/c P t3 >2.58 GeV/c P d1 > 2.38 GeV/c P d2 >0.92 GeV/c P d2 >0.92 GeV/c P d3 > 1.03 GeV/c P d4 >1.31 GeV/c V5 ??
MC simulation Herwig(G.D.L)--->Eficass ---->Chant ~30 K CC && ~53 K NC ccbar events CC NC
ccbar MC 1521 m 2395 m CC NC
Charm fractions CC NC
D 0 D 0 D + D - D D c c - D 0 D 0 D + D - D s + D s - c c (%) Hadronization D 0 D 0 D + D - D D c c - D 0 D 0 D + D - D s + D s - c c (%) NC CC
Efficiency estimation NCDIS CCBAR MC events All events : In Emulsion : (54.3%) Prdc>0 : (47.0%) Right stack : (93.0%) SB found in CS: (79.9%) Located as 0mu: 4862 (48.3%) Selected : 1716 (35.3%) net ±0.7 loc ±0.2 CCDIS CCBAR MC events All events : In Emulsion : (54.3%) Prdc>0 : 7954 (48.9%) Right stack : 7500 (94.3%) Muon found : 6320 (85.1%) Located as CC : 4661 (73.8%) Selected : 1055 (22.6%) net ±0.6 loc ±0.4
Selection efficiencies
Kink PT
Location efficiencies
Primary vertexsecondary vertexevent yield N -- c X prong N -- ch Xh white kink N -- ch Xh white trident N -- c h X h white C5 N -- ch 0 X h 0 white V2 N -- ch 0 X h 0 white V4 Overall0.79 Background in CC ccbar
Primary vertexsecondary vertexevent yield N -- c X prong N -- ch Xh white kink N -- ch Xh white trident N -- c h X h white C5 N -- ch 0 X h 0 white V2 N -- ch 0 X h 0 white V4 Overall0.12 Background in NC ccbar
3 candidate events in NC are signal and background is 0.12±0.02 loc(ccbar) / loc(NC) = (cc)/ (NC)=(3.5±2.1±0.6)x10 -4 Production rate
5 candidate events in NC are signal and background is 0.79±0.10 loc(ccbar) / loc(NC) = (cc)/ (CC)=(3.9±1.9(stat)±0.6(syst.))x events survive P T >0.25 GeV/c assume bg ~0.2 loc(ccbar) / loc(NC) = (cc)/ (CC)=(1.7±1.3(stat)±0.3(syst.))x10 -4 Production rate
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D 0 (%) D + (%) D s (%) c (%) D 0 (%) D + (%) D s (%) c (%) D D D s neutral + neutral= % neutral + charged= % charged+ charged= % Hadronization
V2 V4 V6 C1 C3 C5 V2 V4 V6 C1 C3 C5 V V V C C C Hadronization