Inclusive charm cross-section and charm hadrons production fractions F. Di Capua.


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Presentation transcript:

Inclusive charm cross-section and charm hadrons production fractions F. Di Capua

Charged charm summary candidatesbckgr NC1 NC3 NC ± ± ±0.1 Total CC neutrino events c+c+  1p D+D+ Ds+Ds+ 17.7± ± ±1.2  3p 40.8± ± ±1.2  5p 46.2± ± ±3.9 R=  loc ch /  loc CC 1.02± ± ±0.03  3p /  1p 2.30± ± ±0.13

[( N 1 -Nbg 1 )/  1p + (N 3 -Nbg 3 ) /  3p + … ] [ Ncc×R av ]  ch /  CC = Inclusive cross-section f i 1p = f i × BR( C i  1 p)f i 3p = f i × BR( C i  3 p)  i f i 1p  i 1p  1p =  i f i 1p  i f i 3p  i 3p  3p =  i f i 3p

 ch /  CC (%) variation of charged charm cross-section as function of charmed fractions random generation of fractions f  c+

Charmed charm fraction determination: Likelihood method Event by event probability

N cc =93807 Fit Results 1p c+c+ D+D+ Ds+Ds p p+3p  (1prong)/  CC = (2.11  0.15  0.07)%  (3prong)/  CC = (1.10  0.09  0.02)%

Inclusive cross-section  (1p+3p)/  CC = (3.2  0.17)% for effect of 5 prong: ÷  ch /  CC = (3.26  0.17 (fit)  0.12 (efficiency)  ….)% BR(C +  1 prong) =(65.1  6.4)% BR(C +  3 prong) =(33.9  3.5)% BR(C +  5 prong) =(1.0  0.2(stat)  0.2) %

charged charm production fractions f D+ =  005 f Ds+ =  f  c+ =  Topological BR BR(  c+  3 prong) =36.1  9.5 BR(D+  3 prong) =34.9  5.9

Energy dependence of charged charm cross-section only errors from fit

Energy dependence of total charm cross-section E531 Energy (GeV)

neutrino and anti-neutrino charm cross-section

Outlook other systematic effects under calculation draft in preparation Results inclusive charm cross-section charmed hadron production fractions topological branching ratios energy dependence of cross section

Energy dependence of neutral charm cross-section

selection efficiency as a function of charm momentum 3 prong 1 prong

1p c+c+ D+D+ Ds+Ds p Fit Results in terms of observed events

As error test fitted different 500 MC samples with 137 Lc, 267 D+, 84 Ds

D0 events: MC/Data checks Charm momentum Flight length

Analysis input Flight length (measured in emulsion) Charm momentum (estimation with daughter’s opening angle) Momentum resolution

MC test: some example input fraction output result f  c + fD+fD+ fD+fD+ f D s + =0.2 f D s + =0.3

D0 events: MC/Data checks on the variable FL/P


Topological BR BR(  c +  1 prong) =21.4% BR(  c +  3 prong) =26.6% BR(D +  1 prong) =29.8% BR(D +  3 prong) =32.4% BR(D s +  1 prong) =24.7% BR(D s +  3 prong) =28.2% 36.8 % 44.6 % 51.7 % preCHORUS status unknown part

Energy dependence of total charm cross-section