ADARE Project1 Low Income and Welfare Client Priorities: Peter Mueser & David Stevens Presentation: August 27, 2003 U.S. Department of Labor
ADARE Project 2 Overview What are patterns of employment, earnings and TANF receipt before and after WIA participation? How do these differ by type of WIA participation? Are there important differences across states?
ADARE Project 3 Method of Analysis PY2000 (7/00-6/01) Adult and Dislocated Worker records are extracted from WIASRD state data files. State Unemployment Insurance “wage record” data are matched, providing quarterly earnings in 2 years prior to program year program year year following program year State administrative data identify TANF receipt over same period.
ADARE Project 4 Method of Analysis Employment, mean earnings, and %receiving TANF are tabulated for each quarter States include Florida Georgia Illinois Maryland Missouri Texas
ADARE Project 5 Adult Employment
ADARE Project 6 Large Employment Gains Adult Employment
ADARE Project 7 Large earnings gains, especially for Training Employed Adult Earnings
ADARE Project 8 Adult Earnings (Training) By State States have very similar patterns
ADARE Project 9 PY2000 Dislocated Worker Employment
ADARE Project 10 PY2000 Employment declines and recovery largest for Training participants Dislocated Worker Employment
ADARE Project 11 Dislocated Worker Earnings Earnings recover but not fully
ADARE Project 12 Adults TANF
ADARE Project 13 Adults TANF TANF receipt declines, especially for Training participants
ADARE Project 14 Dislocated Workers TANF Very little TANF receipt
ADARE Project 15 Concluding Comments Adults have large employment gains, whether in Core & Intensive or Training. Adults have earnings gains, very large for Training participants. Following losses, employment of Dislocated Workers recovers, especially for those in Training. Earnings losses only partly recover.
ADARE Project 16 Concluding Comments (cont’d) Adult TANF receipt declines, especially for those in Training activities. Dislocated Workers are very unlikely to receive TANF. Despite some interesting differences, similarities between states in basic patterns are striking.