“Secrecy, Costs, Criminals and Claimants”
PCA – Poisoning People and Criminal Acts
Pot Pies and Hamburgers - and Consumer Responsibility Third-party fault? Is it wise to sue the customer?
Foodborne Illness Costs Cost to consumers Costs to businesses
Settlement Secrecy – is it Bad for the Industry? Most settlements the defendant wants secrecy – Why? -Embarrassed they paid too much? -To discourage other claims?
“How to Handle the Onslaught – When Strict Liability Strikes”
Preventing It The First Place – Elevate Food Safety Invite in the regulators Be an industry leader It limits the chance of it happening and avoids the likelihood of a denial of coverage and punitive damages
Preparing for the Siege Have a recall plan PR plan Litigation plan Settlement plan Experts Spokespeople in place Government contacts
When they Come Over the Wall – Playing Defense Offensively Paying medicals on legitimate claims Wage loss on legitimate claims Fighting to the death on the others