Metadata Services for Publishers Bruce A. Miller Publisher Services Executive April 27, 2010
The Importance of Title Metadata for the Publisher Supply Chain Metadata is the lifeblood that feeds: 1.Print and electronic catalogs, marketing and advertising 2.Websites 3.Web-based ordering tools 4.Inventory systems 5.Business intelligence and reporting 6.Data feeds to supply chain partners Significant investment in staff and systems is required to support growing metadata needs
A non-profit membership organization with Offices in Australia, Canada, China, Europe, Latin America and the United States serving 72,000 participating libraries and cultural heritage organizations In more than 112 countries and territories OCLC: The world’s largest library cooperative
Over 178 million records Representing over 1.6 billion library holdings More than 470 languages WorldCat: the largest database of library bibliographic records in the world
Connecting the power of WorldCat to the publisher supply chain Breaking down silos and increasing interoperability between publisher and library metadata OCLC and WorldCat
Metadata grows over time ISBN Subtitle LC Classification Edition BISAC Subject Headings Dewey Classification LC,NLM and non- English Subject Headings Series Annotations Tables of Contents Reviews Title Author Cover Image End-user tags, ratings Sales and usage data Publisher
Accepts publisher title metadata in ONIX format Automatically adds publisher metadata to WorldCat, making it available to libraries and end users on the Web Mines WorldCat metadata to enrich publisher metadata Delivers enriched metadata back to publishers or supply chain partners in ONIX format. How the new service works…
Title: Galactic Dynamics (Second Edition) Author: Binney, James ISBN13: Publisher: Princeton University Press Brief publisher ONIX metadata
Title: Galactic Dynamics Author: Binney, James,1950- Author: Tremaine, Scott, 1950 ISBN 13: OCLC #: (OCoLC) LCCN: Edition: 2 nd ed. Series: Princeton Series in Astrophysics Publisher: Princeton University Press Publication Date: 2008 Library of Congress Classification: QB857 Dewey Classification: LC Subject Headings: Stars – Clusters; Galaxies French Subject Heading: Etoiles – Amas Spanish Subject Headings: Galaxias; Cumulos estlares BISAC Subject Heading: Science – Astrophysics and Space Science After OCLC enrichment
Reduces cost in bibliographic description, categorization and authority work Provides better marketing data to support buying decisions: for wholesalers, retailers, libraries, end users Supports marketing, sales and business intelligence needs for multiple markets Benefits to the publisher supply chain
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Metadata Services for Publishers Bruce A. Miller Publisher Services Executive April 27, 2010
Contact Bruce Miller to: Learn more about OCLC services and partnership opportunities for publishers Send a record enrichment sample file Request a price quote for a project Suggest topics for upcoming webinars Want to find out more? Bruce A. Miller Publisher Services Executive x4064
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