Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Write Your Snapshot Objective: Students will remember details to include in their snapshots. They will produce multiple paragraphs of their first drafts. Focusing Question: How can you create a draft with details that help your readers imagine your experience? Strategy: To collect material for the first draft by thoroughly exploring a memory.
Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Mini Lesson “Snapshot” Characteristics: –Short account of something that really happened to the writer –Part of everyday life/not too strange to be true –Time is limited to one “scene” –Contains interesting details/paints a very clear picture. Details related to past events can be recalled by diving into a memory. Guided visualization using Explore Your Memory (Handout 2.3a).
Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Writer’s Work Time 1.Look over the information you just wrote, adding any other details that you remember. 2.Start writing your snapshot from beginning to end, including interesting details. 3.Weave the details into your writing. Don’t just rewrite your notes as paragraphs. 4.Write several paragraphs. Use full sentences. 5.Save your document with a file name that includes the word “snapshot,” your initials and today’s date.
Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Even small moments from our memories can be described in detail. Go into the Online Classroom to upload your draft snapshot in the Step 2 activity, Submit Your Draft Snapshot. Writers’ Practices: –Finish what you start and produce a complete draft independently.