Chapter 6 Fluency Fluency is the ability to read and write effortlessly and efficiently. Becoming fluent readers and writers is a developmental milestone Most students reach the fluent stage during the second or third grade.
Chapter 6 Reading Fluency Automatic Reading Reading Speed Prosody Word-Identification Strategies
Chapter 6 Word-Identification Strategies Phonic Analysis Decoding by Analogy Syllabic Analysis Morphemic Analysis
Chapter 6 Writing Fluency Automatic Writing Writing Speed Writer’s Voice
Chapter 6 Dysfluent Students Older Dysfluent Readers Older Dysfluent Writers
Chapter 6 Obstacles to Fluency Obstacle 1: Lack of Automaticity Obstacle 2: Unfamiliarity with Word Identification Strategies Obstacle 3: Slow Reading Speed Obstacle 4: Slow Writing Speed Obstacle 5: Lack of Prosody Obstacle 6: Voiceless Writing
Chapter 6 How Effective Teachers Develop Fluent Readers and Writers Teachers teach students to read and spell high-frequency words. Teachers teach word-identification strategies—phonic analysis, decoding by analogy, syllabic analysis, and morphemic analysis—to help students become automatic readers and writers. Teachers develop students’ reading speed and prosody using lots of reading. Teachers develop students’ writing speed through lots of writing. Teachers nurture students as they develop their writer’s voice through instruction and authentic reading and writing activities.
Resources: Tompkins, Gail E. (2014). Literacy for the 21st century A balanced approach. Boston, MA: Pearson (6th edition)