Expectations, Roles, & Responsibilities Faculty/Librarian
Librarians roles & expectations Research specialist to complement faculty subject knowledge Provide input supported fully by faculty Negotiate extent of student responsibility for research Be familiar with what faculty assignments are to provide full, appropriate assistance Students know assignment before coming for instruction
Librarian Expectations Expect faculty to maintain information literacy concepts in future courses Assessment component Two-way communication Testing of students (SAILS) Library/Librarians here for support
Librarian Faculty to express information needs Assignments will include IL goals and objectives Increase/enhance librarian/faculty collaborations Support the library’s mission as an academic center Know each other as professional colleagues
Faculty Expectations Directing students to “right” resources Have librarians act as resource person for research processes Librarians will take the lead in providing directions on “How to find information “ whether its web-based, subscriptions, classes Help students put their research subject into greater historical context
Faculty Explain social and legal context of information literacy Easy access to resources Guidance in determining sources (good, reliable sources) Use of sources (how to cite) Good communication – Knowing what to use and when
Faculty Understanding plagiarism and copyright responsibilities Ability to retrieve information Student should know how to use online – print resources Librarian train students in their use of databases/resources Library shall provide up-to-date resources
Faculty Collaboration between librarians and faculty Librarians knowledgeable about resources for specific disciplines