Welcome to 8 th Grade Mr. L. Evans
“I love to learn so that I might teach.” -Alcuin of New York
Overview of Pre-AP Class This course is for highly-motivated, independent learners wishing to build a skills-based foundation for high school Pre-AP and AP courses and exams that they will have the opportunity to take during their junior and senior years, both college level courses. This course will focus on critical reading and thinking skills, analytical writing, and long-term planning.
Overview of Class Students need to have personal copies of all novels we will be reading this year. I plan to teach the following novels: The Giver and The Outsiders. Additionally, they will be required to read two - three classic titles. A list of these titles can be found on my website. It is necessary to have a personal copy of novels for annotating (an essential reading strategy).
Overview of Class Students are expected to type all major papers according to MLA, 7 th edition standards. Because assignments are assigned far in advance and are processed papers, no excuses will be accepted for computer issues. We have several computer labs on campus for student use in the morning or afternoon. To take advantage of this students just need to make arrange- ments with me first because a teacher needs to be in lab.
Overview of Class On my teacher webpage, you will find a variety of information about our class. One of the most important documents you can find there is my “Weekly Assignment Sheet.” It is an outline of what I have planned for the week. teacher.cfm?TeacherIndex=44677
Overview of Class No independent “Extra Credit Work” is permitted for the sake of raising an average. However, opportunities for extra credit can be included in the final assessment of some assignments when it is observed that a student has gone above and beyond the requirements of an assignment.
All FBISD students have access to online databases 24/7 through the FBISD website: These subscription resources include on-line encyclopedias, an educational search engine, online periodical and journal databases, subject-specific databases, photo archives, online books, and more! See our campus Librarian for home-access password information FBISD Library Databases