Jen Klaudinyi Reference and Instruction Librarian Faculty Technology Specialist Evolution of the OER Faculty
+ = CC images:
Hybrid, faculty OER course
What’s happening now: Goals CC image: Create textbook free courses; save student Share OER courses and materials Create OER campus community Make Fellowship & OER work transparent Rubric “classic” for individuals
Rubric for discipline teams
Instructor Anne’s OER Blog Instructor Jay’s OER Blog I found a tutorial on MERLOT… I posted a screencast on YouTube… I found a tutorial on MERLOT… I went to a Creative Commons workshop…
Open Classes Shared in Moodle
$418,200 saved per year! 41 courses converted so far
Lessons $$/ cc images:
cc images: Summer aspx Aspirations & Ideas
History/more info: Fellowship blog/rubrics: Jen Klaudinyi Reference and Instruction Librarian Faculty Technology Specialist