Data Collections Conference Day 2 “Improving Data Quality, One Student At A Time”
MAIN TOPICS FTE Data Survey EIP Make Whole Class Size FTE Overview
The FTE Data Survey collects general data used to support other data collections. The survey application is only available in FTE cycle 1 and appears on the FTE main menu. Each district must complete the survey prior to beginning FTE cycle 1 of the current school year. Overview
FTE Data Survey Timelines Annual Cycle – September Begin Date: September 1, 2010 Deadline for Signoff: September 24, 2010 Note: Verification by the superintendent (or his/her designee) that the information transmitted is complete and accurate is required no later than the date specified above.
Information collected in the survey include the following: Requests for alternate FTE dates Date of Prior Ten Days Vendor Information for SIS, Fund Accounting, and Special Education Grading Scales Class Size Maximums for High School Core Courses Primary Contacts for FTE, Student Record, CPI, and GTID Application Overview
EIP Make Whole Previously reported along with FTE Cycle 1 No longer required as of FY 2011
Class Size No changes to application as it relates to edits. No over the maximum class size flags. Report will show what district reported as the class size but will not indicate any classes are over the maximum.
OVERVIEW OF FTE What is FTE? Data collected for state funding that is based on student enrollment and education services provided by local school systems to students. Why do we collect FTE data? O.C.G.A The initial enrollment count shall be made after October 1 but prior to November 17 and the final enrollment count after March 1 but prior to May 1. The report shall indicate the student´s specific assigned program for each one-sixth segment of the school day on the designated reporting date.
FTE Reporting Cycles FTE 2010 Dates: ► Cycle 1 – Active and Withdrawn Students, Special Education Child Count Official count date: October 5, 2010 Deadline for initial transmission: October 8, 2010 Districts must upload data for all schools Duplicate resolution: October 20, 2010 FTE signoff: October 27, 2010 ► FTE Cycle 1 Data Used for the following: QBE Funding Enrollment Counts Federal Child Count Updates to Withdrawn Students, including 2010 Graduates
FTE Reporting Cycles FTE 2010 Dates: ► Cycle 3 – Active Students Official count date: March 3, 2011 Deadline for initial transmission: March 8, 2011 Districts must upload data for all schools Duplicate resolution: March 16, 2011 FTE signoff: March 25, 2011 ► FTE Cycle 3 Data Used for the following: QBE Funding Enrollment Counts
FTE Reporting Cycles FTE 2010 Dates: ► Report the following students in FTE Cycle 1: – All students enrolled in any public school in Georgia on the day of the FTE count. – Students parentally placed in parochial, home, or private schools that are eligible for proportionate share and receiving special education services through a service plan. – Students parentally placed in parochial, home, or private schools that are eligible for proportionate share and are NOT receiving special education services. – Students receiving hospital/homebound services for the minimum three hours per week during any part of the ten school days preceding the day of the count.
FTE Reporting Cycles FTE 2010 Dates: ► Report the following students in FTE Cycle 1: – Students served by the following state agencies that are reported by the agency and not by the public school system: Department of Juvenile Justice, Department of Corrections, Department of Human Resources, Department of Labor – Students enrolled in schools on military facilities and receive services from the public school. – Students served in the three State-operated schools (Atlanta Area School for the Deaf, Georgia School for the Deaf, and Georgia Academy for the Blind). – Students in Department of Human Resources (DHR) residential facilities. These students are reported by DHR. In Cycles 1 and 3, the school system shall report only students who are served by the school system’s special education teachers.
FTE Reporting Cycles FTE 2010 Dates: ► Report the following students in FTE Cycle 1: – Students who are assigned by the local school system, by IEP determination, to private placement, either in or out of state. – All students who completed high school since the previous October FTE count day. – All students who withdrew from school and did not re-enroll in the same school system since the previous October FTE count day. – All preschool children (GRADE LEVEL = “PK”) who: Enrolled in a school administered by the school system under the auspices of the Georgia Department of Education. Have a disability (ages 3-5) and who are served by the school system in any school and in any primary area of disability including Significant Developmental Delay (SDD)
FTE Reporting Cycles FTE 2010 Dates: ► Report the same students in FTE Cycle 3 with the exception of the following: – Students who completed high school since the previous October FTE count day. – Students who withdrew from school and did not re-enroll in the same school system since the previous October FTE count day. – Students served by the following state agencies that are reported by the agency and not by the public school system: Department of Juvenile Justice, Department of Corrections, Department of Human Resources, Department of Labor – Students parentally placed in parochial, home, or private schools that are eligible for proportionate share (regardless of whether or not they are served).
What’s New in FY 2011 Enter RESIDENT STATUS CODE = ‘7’ to identify International Exchange Students (IES). Funded as residents of school system School Entry Code = ‘O’ (‘O’ Transferred from another state or country). School entry code cannot be used for more than one school year. Not eligible for Special Education or ELL services INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE STUDENTS
What’s New in FY 2011 When student transfers to another district during the current school year, the student will resident status and entry code Withdrawn student as of the last day of school with withdrawal code ‘X’ (Transferred out of state or country or to a private school). No diploma type or graduate withdrawal INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE STUDENTS
What’s New in FY 2011 Move On When Ready (MOWR) is a full- time program. When reporting program codes for MOWR, all six segments must reflect MOWR. Students must be enrolled in grade 11 or 12 to report MOWR program codes 6, or 7. DUAL ENROLLMENT
What’s New in FY 2011 Data previously reported in cycle 2 is now reported in cycle 1. Same data elements and definitions, just different timing. Private school students eligible for proportionate share are no longer eligible for FTE funding (i.e. no funded program codes). SPECIAL EDUCATION
FY 2011 Reminders/Updates All students reported active in Student Record must be reported in FTE All students reported as withdrawn in Student Record with a withdrawal date on or after October 6, 2009 must be reported in FTE STUDENT ID
FY 2011 Reminders/Updates If a student’s ID has changed since the most recent Student Record, put the old student ID in the previous student ID field. Make sure the SSN and name reported in FTE is also the same SSN and name found in the GTID application. Both of these steps are very important to facilitate the linking of records from cycle to cycle. STUDENT ID
FY 2011 Reminders/Updates The student ID is the student’s SSN or FTE number. The student ID cannot be any of the following: – Parent’s social security number – Parent’s taxpayer ID or ITIN – Employer Identification Number – Military ID Number – Randomly generated number – Immigration ID Number (9xx-xx-xxxx) – Local Student ID (000-xx-xxxx) STUDENT ID
CONTACT GADOE – CUSTOMER SUPPORT Phone: (800) Fax: (404) Chris Rivera, Manager
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