Leo J. Leo Elementary
Reaching towards the 21 st Century Learner
Overview Overview Long-Range Plan for Technology Compare Data from STaR Chart Summary/Conclusion Resources:
Long-Range Plan for Technology I. Teaching and Learning II. Educator Preparation and Development III. Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support. IV. Infrastructure for Technology
Teaching and Learning Patterns of Classroom Use Design of Instructional Setting Content Area Connections Technology Applications TEKS Implementation Student Mastery of Technology Applications Online Learning
Educator Preparation and Development Professional Development Experiences Models of Professional Development Capabilities of Educators Access to Professional Development Levels of Understanding and Patterns of Use Professional Development for Online Learning
Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support Leadership and Vision Planning Instructional Support Communication and Collaboration Budget Leadership and Support for Online Learning
Infrastructure for Technology Students per Computers Internet Access Connectivity Speed Other Classroom Technology Technical Support Local Area Network Wide Area Networking Distance Learning Capacity
Our Campus progress together with LRPT
Analyzing the data: Weakest Area: Educator Preparation and Development Levels of Understanding and Patterns of Use Implementation of Technology in the Instructional Setting Strongest Area: Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support Communication and Collaboration Budget allocation
Conclusion: Texas Campus STaR Chart is designed to help campuses and districts determine their progress toward meeting the goal of the Long-Range Plan for Technology. What do we need to do with this information? Goal: Improve student learning through the use of technology