The California eLearning Framework Overview Session - March 2, 2012
California eLearning Framework Framework Origins Framework Origins eLearning Overview eLearning Overview Dialogue/D iscussion Dialogue/D iscussion Four Focus Areas Content, Teaching, Technology, Operations Four Focus Areas Content, Teaching, Technology, Operations
California eLearning Framework Origins
Source: Project Tomorrow
Defining online and blended learning: Online learning means many things to many people
Defining dimensions of online programs
To simplify the discussion of online learning we consolidate into a few categories
Main categories of online programs
Fastest growing segment About 50% of districts with some online program (NCES) 1.8 million total students in distance, including online Doesn’t cover blended Credit recovery as a leading driver Single district online programs
Definition of blended learning Any time a student learns in part in a supervised brick-and-mortar place away from home At least in part through online delivery, with some element of student control over time, place, path and/or pace and Copyright Innosight Institute, Inc.
What is blended learning? From the perspective of the student Excludes examples where teacher uses electronic white board without online curriculum to lecture Excludes examples where student uses online textbooks instead of hardcopy ones Copyright Innosight Institute, Inc.
Blended learning dimensions
Quality and accountability Does online learning work? Quality and accountability
Source: Education Sector
Source: Process Experts LLC
Source: iNACOL
No OLL Pilot or limited OLL Comprehensive OLL District online learning progression
Dialogue Question 1 What are you doing now as a district to help students/teachers with online and blended learning?
Dialogue Question 2 What else could you do, or what would you like to do, and what limits you from providing that help? (Funding/staffing are not sufficient responses)
Discussion Question 3 What policy barriers are in place that block or hinder your efforts to create online and blended opportunities for students? What policies would you change at the state or district level?
Source: Silent epidemic
The California eLearning Framework Overview Session - March 2, 2012