INTRODUCTION: (1.)Families traveling to vacation spots often get lost BECAUSE THEY FAIL TO USE THE MAP THAT THEY HAVE! -People trying to get to Heaven get lost; NOT because we -People trying to get to Heaven get lost; NOT because we don’t have a map don’t have a map #WE FAIL TO USE THE MAP THAT WE HAVE (BIBLE)! #WE FAIL TO USE THE MAP THAT WE HAVE (BIBLE)! EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10) “A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE”
INTRODUCTION: (2.)Many people don’t know that they are lost because they have been in church (IN GOD’S HOUSE) all of their lives. -Luke 15:8-10 Jesus gives the parable of the lost coin. -Luke 15:8-10 Jesus gives the parable of the lost coin. -The coin was lost IN THE HOUSE. -The coin was lost IN THE HOUSE. #We can be in God’s House and still be lost. #We can be in God’s House and still be lost. EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10) “A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE”
Body: (A.)VS.12 There is a man named Zacchaeus who’s the chief among publicans and he is rich. -VS.9He’s a son of Abraham -VS.9He’s a son of Abraham -VS.10 He’s Lost! -VS.10 He’s Lost! #Externally, Zacchaeus is well put together (rich, CEO #Externally, Zacchaeus is well put together (rich, CEO of a well paying job, and he has a church lineage). of a well paying job, and he has a church lineage). #Many are like Zacchaeus; put together well #Many are like Zacchaeus; put together well externally but still lost without Jesus! externally but still lost without Jesus! EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10) “A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE”
Body: (B.)VS.3 Zacchaeus couldn’t see Jesus because of the press/ crowd. -Sometimes people can’t see Jesus because of the -Sometimes people can’t see Jesus because of the crowd at church. crowd at church. #We must make sure we aren’t part of the crowd blocking #We must make sure we aren’t part of the crowd blocking others from seeing Jesus! others from seeing Jesus! (C.)VS.3&5 Zacchaeus and Jesus are familiar with each other. WHY? -Perhaps it because Jesus has a disciple named Matthew -Perhaps it because Jesus has a disciple named Matthew who was once a Jewish tax collector like Zacchaeus. who was once a Jewish tax collector like Zacchaeus. #Perhaps Matthew who was called out of that life, reached #Perhaps Matthew who was called out of that life, reached back and witnessed to Zacchaeus. back and witnessed to Zacchaeus. #We are to minister to the people who are still in the life that #We are to minister to the people who are still in the life that God has delivered us from. God has delivered us from. EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10) “A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE”
Body: (D.)VS.4&5 Zacchaeus climbs a tree to see Jesus, BUT he has to come down (HUMILITY) to meet Jesus. -We can’t have a relationship with Jesus on our terms. -We can’t have a relationship with Jesus on our terms. #We must humble ourselves as little children #We must humble ourselves as little children (Mark 10:5). (Mark 10:5). (E.)VS.8 Zacchaeus promises to give half of his goods to the poor and to restore four times what he’s stolen. -A relationship with Jesus requires repentance. -A relationship with Jesus requires repentance. EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10) “A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE”
Body: (F.)Zacchaeus’s name means pure/innocent. -Zacchaeus was a dirty tax collector who got rich by -Zacchaeus was a dirty tax collector who got rich by cheating people (the equivalent of a Wall Street cheating people (the equivalent of a Wall Street Broker). Broker). -Zacchaeus becomes PURE when he receives Christ! -Zacchaeus becomes PURE when he receives Christ! #Our righteousness is in Christ (Rom.5:1). #Our righteousness is in Christ (Rom.5:1). #We can never reach our God-given potential outside #We can never reach our God-given potential outside of knowing Christ! of knowing Christ! EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10) “A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE”
Close: (1.)VS.5&7 Jesus says he is going to Zacchaeus’s house and people complain that Jesus is going to hang with a sinner. -VS.10 Jesus says that he came to seek and save the lost. -VS.10 Jesus says that he came to seek and save the lost. -Jesus cares about lost people and we should too! -Jesus cares about lost people and we should too! #If we have Eternal Life in Heaven, Peace on Earth, #If we have Eternal Life in Heaven, Peace on Earth, and Preservation From Hell, we should want others and Preservation From Hell, we should want others to have that too. to have that too. *LET’S SHARE JESUS WITH OTHERS! EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10) “A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE”