Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Changes in Open Enrollment Status
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 What is a “change in open enrollment status? A change in OE status is anything that happens concerning a student that may: –Change the student’s eligibility for open enrollment, or –Change the way the student’s open enrollment is funded.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Change in student’s resident district Student’s withdrawal from open enrollment Changes in a student’s identification as a child with a disability Expulsion Changes might include…
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Reporting Changes of status should be reported as they happen. Must be reported to: –All affected districts (nonresident district, “old” resident district, “new” resident district) –DPI Generally, it will be the nonresident district that initiates the change of status notification.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Recommend districts use DPI Suggested Form Letter #5: Change of Open Enrollment Status On internet at Copy onto district letterhead
SCHOOL DISTRICT LETTERHEAD CHANGE OF OPEN ENROLLMENT STATUS DATE: TO:Jane Smith, ABC School District John Green, DEF School District Mary Jo Cleaver, DPI Open Enrollment Consultant FROM:Mary Doe, XYZ School District SUBJECT:Change of Open Enrollment Status Name of Student _______________________________ Grade ______ This is to notify you of a change of status regarding the above student’s open enrollment, as follows:
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Changes in Student’s Resident District
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Student Moves Into Nonresident District The student moved into the nonresident district on (date). Open enrollment has ceased. The student participated in open enrollment for _______ days.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 New Applicant Moves into New Resident District Prior to 3 rd Friday in September The student is a new applicant for the school year. Prior to the 3rd Friday in September 2006, the student moved to a resident district other than the one indicated on the application form. The open enrollment is void.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Continuing Student Moves into New Resident District The student moved into a different resident district (indicate district) on (date). The student is a continuing open enrollment student. (Note: If the move took place after the 3rd Friday in September, the “old” resident district continues to count the student as a resident OE student for the remainder of the school year; the “new” resident district counts the student as a resident OE student beginning with the next school year).
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Student Moves into New Resident District & Attends School There The student moved into a different resident district (indicate district) on (date). The student is attending school in that district and open enrollment has ceased. The student participated in open enrollment for _____ days.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Student Withdraws From Open Enrollment
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Student Returns to School in Resident District The student returned to school in the resident district on (date), and open enrollment has ceased. The student participated in open enrollment for ______ days.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Student Ceased Open Enrollment The student ceased open enrollment on (date) for the following reason (indicate reason, such as enrollment in a private school or home- based education program, drop out, move out of state, etc.). The student participated in open enrollment for _____ days.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Changes in Special Education Status
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Student is Newly Identified as a Child w/a Disability The student has been identified as a child with a disability and is receiving special education/related services in accordance with an IEP effective (date). The student should be reported as [special education or regular education] for the school year.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Student is “Released” from Special Education The student, who was previously identified as a child with a disability, is no longer receiving special education/ related services effective (date). The student should be reported as [special education or regular education] for the school year
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Other Changes in Open Enrollment Status
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Expulsion Other change of status (indicate): The student was expelled on (date). The student’s open enrollment was / was not terminated. The student was open enrolled for _______ days.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Name Change Other change of status (indicate): The student was adopted. His name changed from John Doe to Johnny Smith.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Grade Change Other change of status (indicate): The student was not promoted. She remains in grade 10.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Address Change w/in Resident District Other change of status (indicate): The student moved from 2224 Oak Street in Madison to 3445 Elm Street in Madison. There is no change in the student’s open enrollment status.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Resources
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Open Enrollment Web Site Open Enrollment List Serve receive information and announcements printed information rarely used to sign up, send to: Open Enrollment Web Site & List Serve
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Open Enrollment Staff Toll-free: Fax: Mary Jo Cleaver, Open Enrollment Consultant , Scott Eagleburger, OE Data Manager Joan Thompson, OE Program Assistant , Bob Soldner, School Management Services Director ,
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November 2005 Department of Public Instruction 125 S. Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Madison, WI