Write these important dates down in your agenda: Bring those box tops! RETURN YOUR PROGRESS REPORTS ASAP! Friday (12/11/15) – Jeans Day $1 Monday (12/14/15) – Completed Cultural Heritage Projects are DUE HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts – Warm Up 12/08/15 SIT IN YOUR PEACH GROUPS. Review Your Yellow Deadline Sheet Assess yourself: Is at least half of your research completed? Set two goals: 1-A goal for today. 2-A goal for this week. You do NOT have a homework packet this week so that you can finish your project!
Language Arts – Work Session 12/08/15 Essential Question: How can I learn more about my culture and the culture of others? Standard: LA.6.ELAGSE6W7 – Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.
Language Arts – Work Session 12/08/15 Cultural Heritage Project 1 st /2 nd Periods – Finish your research in the computer labs. Utilize the notes/citations packet to help you.
Language Arts – Work Session 12/08/15 Cultural Heritage Project 4 th /5 th Periods – Complete your project board layout sheet. Utilize the notes/citations packet to help you.
Language Arts – Closing Session 12/08/15 In Your Agenda… Did you meet your goal for today? Using 1-2 sentences, explain why or why not. You do NOT have a homework packet this week so that you can finish your project!
E.L.T. 12/08/15 Opening Session Catch up on any missing chapter questions. I will check for the completion of chapters 6-12 THURSDAY. Work Session Resume reading “The Hunger Games” up to page 218 (with Mrs. LaLande). Closing Session Complete the chapter questions for today’s chapter. USE COMPLETE SENTENCES!