The Great Awakening The Great Awakening– A religious movement that swept through the colonies. Traveling preachers told people they could have a relationship with god outside of organized religion. The Great Awakening– A religious movement that swept through the colonies. Traveling preachers told people they could have a relationship with god outside of organized religion.
Christian Denominations
Before The Great Awakening 1. Church and State are merged together a. Each town had a meeting hall/church. Government buildings and church were held in the same place. b.As members of the colony, people paid taxes to the Anglican church
The Great Awakening
Effects of the Great Awakening a. People leave the Anglican Church b. People refuse to pay taxes to the church c. Colonists begin to hire their own ministers and start their own churches (further branching the christian faith)
Relevance to the Revolution a. This leads to a spirit of independence among colonists. “If we are independent from the English Anglican church, maybe we can be independent from English government as well.” a. This leads to a spirit of independence among colonists. “If we are independent from the English Anglican church, maybe we can be independent from English government as well.” b. Successful self rule in church heightens interest in SELF rule in government. b. Successful self rule in church heightens interest in SELF rule in government. Montage Clip: &Action=MakeActive&playlistkeyindex=50&location=local Montage Clip: &Action=MakeActive&playlistkeyindex=50&location=local &Action=MakeActive&playlistkeyindex=50&location=local &Action=MakeActive&playlistkeyindex=50&location=local