SOUND EDITING The Critical Stage
INTRODUCTION Often ignored Can make/break a production Realist –Sounds as close to natural as possible Modernist –Abstractions of sound Post Modernist –Requires major imagination to interpret
NON-LINEAR AUDIO EDITING Same process as video Compression not as necessary-lower frequencies Maintains high quality Allows maximum flexibility Careful level settings necessary CD - 44 or 48kHz at 16 or 32 bits
AUDIO FOR VIDEOTAPE Editing same as videotape Tracksp. 368 –Linear can be edited separately –Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Imbedded within video Must be edited simultaneously Through a DAW or mixer
FILM SOUND EDITING Magneticp. 372 –1/4” or R-DAT dubbed to fullcoat –Individual voices, SFX, music –Dubbed through mixer & sync pix –Fullcoat spliced with tape –Sent to lab with conformed pix rolls If pix is digitized for editing, sound is also
AUDIOTAPE EDITING Physically cut and spliced –Cutting block –Marking pen –Sharp razor Faster the recorded speed, easier to edit Non-linear through a computer
MIXING AUDIO/SOUND I Combine various sound simultaneously Through some type of board Equalization (EQ) –Modifying levels of specific frequencies –Attenuating or amplifying Mixing log-cue sheetp.379
MIXING SOUND/AUDIO I I Multi-track mixing –Ping-pongingp. 380 Looping- Automatic Dialogue Recording (ADR) Foley- Post recording of SFX SFX –Created live, pre-recorded tapes, CDs, discs –Library effects, Spot effects, actual effects