The Skull 主讲:李文春 down
The skull The skull contains 23 bones.The skull is is divided into two parts :cerebral cranium and facial cranium down Up
( 一) The cerebral cranium The cerebral cranium consists of eight cranial bones. down Up one frontal one ethmoid one sphenoid one occipital two parietal two temporal
( 二) The facial cranium The facial cranium are fifteen in number. Up maxilla palatine paired zygomatic bones nasal lacrimal bones inferior nasal conchae vomer Unpaired mandible bones hyoid down
( 二) The facial cranium 1. The mandible down Up 2. The hyoid angle of mandible
( 三) The skull as a whole 1.The superior aspect of the skull Up coronal suture sagittal suture lambdoid suture 2.The posterior aspect of the skull down external occipital protuberance superior nuchal line
( 三) The skull as a whole 3.The internal surface of the base of skull down Up It is divided into three fossa. These are the anterior,the middle and the posterior cranial fossa.
3.The internal surface of the base of skull down Up frontal crest foramen cecum crista galli cribriform plat cribriform foramina (1) The anterior cranial fossa
3.The internal surface of the base of skull down Up hypophysial fossa optic canal anterior clinoid process dorsum sellae ( 鞍背) posterior clinoid process superior orbital fissure foramen lacerum ( 破裂孔) foramen rotundum foramen ovale foramen spinosum sulcus for middle meningeal artery (2) The middle cranial fossa
3.The internal surface of the base of skull down Up foramen magnum hypoglossal canal internal occipital protuberance sulcus for superior sagittal sinus sulcus for transverse sinus sulcus for sigmoid sinus jugular foramen internal acoustic pore (3) The posterior cranial fossa
4.The external surface of the base of skull down Up alveolar arch incisive foramina greater palatine posterior nasal apertures occipital condyle hypoglossal canal jugular foramen styloid process stylomastiod foramen
5.The lateral view of skull down Up external acoustic pore mastoid process zygomatic arch temporal fossa infratemporal fossa pterion infratemporal fossa pterygopalatine fossa
6.The front view of skull Up (2) the orbits ① orbital opening supraorbital foramen (notch) inferiorrbital foramen ② orbital apex:optic canal ③ superior wall:lacrimal fossa ④ medial wall: lacrimal sac fossa, nasolacrimal canal (1) the forehead superciliary arch ⑤ inferior wall: inferiorrbital fissure ⑥ lateral wall: superiorrbital fissure down 眉的形态与美容 的关系
6.The front view of skull down Up (3) the bony nasal cavity nasal septem superior middle conchae inferior superior middle meatus inferior sphenoethmoidal recess
6.The front view of skull down Up (4) the paranasal sinuses ① the frontal sinuses ② the ethmoidal sinuses ③ the sphenoidal sinuses ④ the maxillary sinuses (5) the oral cavity
( 四) The skull at birth Up anterior fontanelle down posterior fontanelle