ALLOCATION & DISRTIBUTION OF ENTRY LEVEL PERSONNEL: 2008/2009 FINANCIAL YEAR Knowledge Economy : Turn towards your HR Capacity for the competitive edge to ensure return on investment. Div Comm Nchwe
ESTABLISHMENT TARGETS (2002 – 2011) 2006/72007/82008/92009/102010/112005/62004/52003/42002/3
Establishment Targets and achievement (2002 – 2008) 99,9%98,9% 100 % 99,6 % 100 % 2007/ %
Enlistment Programme ( ) New Additions 2003/42004/52005/62006/72007/82008/9 *Const *Civilian TOTAL Projected Personnel Losses *Const *Civilian TOTAL Effective Gain *Const *Civilian TOTAL /32009/ / TOTAL
SAPS Enlistment Programme: 2002 to 2011 Since 2002/03 up to 2007/08 already additional personnel apart from replacements as well (45% increase) Significant capacity expansion Since 2002/03 up to 2010/11 will reflect additional personnel apart from replacements as well (69% increase) Allocated according to the Resource Allocation Guide(RAG)
ALLOCATIONS: PROCESS Request an analysis of the respective business units on their HR Demands per financial year. Assessment includes: Inputs of Resource Committees on demand versus supply on micro levels in the province. Review of the current personnel versus the RAG (Grand Establishment targets per Business unit). Review of service terminations back dated for 1 year. Other priorities and demands. Assessment on effective distribution / utilization of existing personnel.
ALLOCATIONS: PROCESS CRITERIA MTEF allocations per financial year. RAG Actual personnel strength per business unit. Service Terminations. Effective gain of the previous MTEF cycle. New Organizational demands. Demand assessment of the business units. Ratio : Police versus Population. Distribution of personnel.
ALLOCATIONS: PROCESS CONSULTATION PROCESS April - visited all the respective Provinces and Operational Divisions and present the proposed allocations per financial year. After agreement with PC’s and DC’s - official letter to announce allocations. Section: Equity for compilation of Equity profiles per business unit to inform recruitment.
ALLOCATION OBJECTIVE: 2008/9 financial year Achievement of 103% establishment target per Province for Police Service Act personnel. Achievement of 100% establishment target per Province for Public Service Act. Address full demands of Operational Divisions – optimize specialized HR Capacity in Provinces
PRIORITIES : 2008/9 FINANCIAL YEAR Presidential Stations 100% staffed – maximum allocations. Priority stations Implementation of sector policing priority – optimal distribution of personnel. Public Service Act Personnel Shortages of Public Service Act personnel on station levels must be addressed as a priority.
PRIORITIES : 2008/9 FINANCIAL YEAR Detective Services Ensure effective maintenance of the Detective environments on station level Provincial Commissioners must close the Difference (gap) between the RAG of 2008/9 and the actual (General and Specialized detectives) either by utilization of existing personnel or entry level made available to the respective Provinces. The gap must be addressed by 31 March 2009:
DETECTIVE SERVICES PROVINCEActual personnelRAG 2008/9Differences (GAP) Western Cape Eastern Cape Northern Cape Free State Kwazulu Natal North West Mpumalanga Limpopo Gauteng TOTAL
ALLOCATIONS (2008/9) : OPERATIONAL DIVISIONS (Police and Public Service Act personnel) DIVISIONSPOLICE SERVICE ACT PUBLIC SERVICE ACT TOTAL Visible Policing Protection and Security Services Crime Intelligence FSS& CR TOTAL
ALLOCATIONS (2008/9) : PROVINCES (Police and Public Service Act) PROVINCEPOLICE SERVICE ACT % out of EST PUBLIC SERVICE ACT % out of EST TOTAL% 0UT OF TOTAL EST Free State267114%100100%367111% Northern Cape222105%31123%253109% North West287111%36109%323111% Limpopo259119%38104%297116% KZN %781100% % Gauteng %29124% % Mpumalanga284106%276100%560105% Western Cape %37106% % Eastern Cape521105%689100% % TOTAL % % %
ALLOCATIONS (2008/9) : PROVINCES (Police Act including CI, FSL,VISPOL,PSS) PROVINCEPOLICE SERVICE ACT PSSCIFSL&L CRC VispolTOTAL Free State Northern Cape North West Limpopo KZN Gauteng Mpumalanga Western Cape Eastern Cape ` TOTAL out of = 95% Police Act to Provinces
ALLOCATIONS (2008/9) : PROVINCES (Police and Public Service Act personnel) PROVINCETOTAL Police service act PUBLIC SERVICE ACT GRAND TOTAL Free State Northern Cape North West Limpopo KZN Gauteng Mpumalanga Western Cape Eastern Cape TOTAL out of Police Act & Public Service Act to Provinces
ALLOCATIONS 2008/9:DIVISIONS (Police & Public Service Act Personnel) DIVISIONSPOLICE ACTPUBLIC SERVICE ACT TOTAL Detective Services HQ 023 Training Supply Chain Management 050 TOTAL Slide only reflects the divisions requested the allocation of entry level personnel
Population versus Police officials: Before and After PROVINCEBEFORE (As on 2008/03/31) AFTER (As on 2008/05/20) Free State1:3271:318 Northern Cape1:2061:198 North West1:4121: 398 Limpopo1:5391:526 KZN1:5031:471 Gauteng1:3571:316 Mpumalanga1:4371:422 Western Cape1:2981:272 Eastern Cape1:4251:412 TOTAL POLICE SERVICE ACT PERSONNEL VERSUS THE POPULATION 1:370