On-Line Support Of School-Level Technology Professional Development
Train the Trainer Printed training handouts On-Line Practice Modules Train the Trainer Printed training handouts On-Line Practice Modules On-Line Support
Train the Trainer School-Level technology trainers are trained by district trainers Emphasis on needs survey and training techniques Practice in preparing and delivering a training session School-Level technology trainers are trained by district trainers Emphasis on needs survey and training techniques Practice in preparing and delivering a training session
Printed training handouts Consistent materials used in each school Duplication, not preparation, saving the trainer work Documents available for download Consistent materials used in each school Duplication, not preparation, saving the trainer work Documents available for download
On-Line Practice Modules Tutorials provided for all entry-level courses Professional development credit available for teachers and trainers Self-paced instruction possible for any interested teacher Tutorials provided for all entry-level courses Professional development credit available for teachers and trainers Self-paced instruction possible for any interested teacher
Schools are experiencing an explosion of technology. New ways of delivering technology professional development must be explored. On-Line Support for this training is a first step toward that goal.
Prepared by Bill Byles Staff Development Coordinator Teaching and Learning Academy Memphis City Schools Prepared by Bill Byles Staff Development Coordinator Teaching and Learning Academy Memphis City Schools