CATARACT A waterfall
DELTA An area of low land where a river spreads into many smaller rivers
PAPYRUS A plant like grass that grows in water or a type of paper made from this plant
DYNASTY A family of kings or other rulers whose parents, grandparents, etc. have ruled the country for many years
AFTERLIFE The life the Egyptians believed that came after death
EMBALM To treat a dead body with chemicals, oils etc. to prevent it from decaying
MUMMY A dead body that has been preserved and often wrapped in cloth
HIEROGLYPHICS A system of writing that uses pictures to represent words
PHARAOH A ruler (king/queen) of ancient Egypt
OBELISK A tall pointed stone pillar
ACCESS The right to enter a place, use something or see something
TRIBUTE A payment of goods or money by one ruler or country to a more powerful one