HOMEWORK All homework is given out on Monday. Math homework is due daily and Literacy homework is picked up on Fridays. Students should be prepared for a spelling test on Friday! Spelling words will be posted on the 2 nd grade webpage each week, which can be printed off
Behavior Management Pine Ridge has implemented a positive behavior system which rewards students for making good choices. Throughout the school, students are expected to follow the L.E.A.P. guidelines (leadership, effort, always safe & positive attitude) Students receive school- wide and classroom rewards for positive behavior.
S.T.A.R Binder Students Taking Action and Responsibility… for themselves Return to school everyday! Includes: – Homework folder Spelling & reading menus. Weekly literacy and math activities – Thursday folder Papers from school and corrected work – Lined paper May be used for reading and spelling assignments – Student Planner Where students will record events or assignments for the week
Cafeteria Information Second grade lunch and recess is from 10:30-11:10. Birthdays- please do not send any treats for your child’s birthday. Your child will be acknowledged by their classmates and teacher. Students can bring a snack for the afternoon. Please make sure your child only brings one snack and that it is nutritional. *Please send a peanut free snack!!
Reading/ Language Arts
2 nd Grade Literacy
During the literacy block, five tasks are taking place simultaneously: Reading to Self Reading to Someone Listening to Reading Working on Writing Spelling/Word Work The Daily 5 rotations look a little bit different in each classroom. 2 nd Grade Literacy Cont. The Daily Five...
Strategies proficient readers use: Comprehension Accuracy Fluency Expanding Vocabulary Different children have different needs as readers, but all readers, regardless of age, need instruction and support that helps them become more independent and self-reflective in their work 2 nd Grade Literacy, Cont. CAFE MENU OF STRATEGIES...
Cherry Creek Reading Levels for 2nd Grade Beginning level: 16 Mid-year level: 24 End-of-year level: 28+
Classroom Instruction Whole Group – Reading & Writing Lessons Small Group - Guided Reading (4-6 children in group or one-on-one guidance) Strategy Groups- Working on certain skills to improve- (like a small group)
We will use a year long curriculum that focuses on different genres throughout the year. The units of study help the students within a particular genre at the end of a unit, the student will pick one piece to edit, revise, and publish. Writing Units of Study Personal Narrative Nonfiction Persuasive
Spelling The purpose of spelling for second grade is for students to learn language rules and patterns to be able to spell all types of words. The ultimate goal is for their knowledge of the rules and patterns to carry over into their writing. The words we will use for the spelling lists will come from the Lessons in Literacy program. The lists will consist of about 12 words that will follow the same pattern, such as letter-sound relationship, word structure, and word analysis.
Spelling continued… The second grade team will be differentiating the spelling lists each week. Every Monday students will be given a spelling pre-test. Based on the number they got right, they will be given a certain spelling list. There will be three different spelling lists, blue, green, and yellow. Each spelling list will be uploaded onto the website every week. Please check with your child on Monday afternoon to see what spelling list they will need to study for that week. Students will be required to practice spelling every night. Students need to turn in some sort of evidence of how they practiced their spelling homework for each night of the week. This can look different each day.
Money Addition and Subtraction facts to 20 Fractions Multiplication Elapse time Logical Reasoning Problem Solving Place Value to Hundreds Number Concepts Time Patterns 2 and 3 digit addition and subtraction Math
We will follow the FOSS science program to meet the newly revised state standards. We will cover in the classroom… *Air and Weather * Balance/Motion and Plants/Animals will be taught in integrated arts.
Social Studies HISTORY How has our neighborhood and community changed over time? CIVICS What matters in a community? GEOGRAPHY How does the geography of an area affect the community and its people?
2 nd Grade Website Please make sure to visit our 2 nd grade website! There, you will be able to find important dates, contact information, school happenings, and individual class information
2nd Grade planning time is from 11:35- 12:15 PM. This is a great time to call or us, if you have questions or concerns. We look forward to working with you to ensure that your child has a successful year! Thank you for coming tonight! Please head to your child’s classroom!