Welcome to 3rd Grade! Jennifer Rinker & Meaghan Howard jrinker.weebly.com misshoward3.weebly.com
Third Grade Curriculum Math – Math Expressions (Houghton Mifflin) This year our objectives include: Place Value, Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction, 2-D Figures, Multiplication and Division of Numbers within 100, Measurement, Area and Perimeter, Elapsed Time, and Fractions.
Curriculum continued…. Reading – (Houghton Mifflin) *The students will participate in small group reading. We will continue to work on reading fluency and decoding (if needed). In third grade our focus will be on Reading to learn; not learning to read! *They will also participate in literacy based centers during the Language Arts block. *We are participating in Accelerated Reading again this year. This is a reward based program.
Reading Log / AR High correlation between daily reading and third grade comprehension Individualized Quarterly Goals based on students’ reading ability and comprehension Quarterly celebrations for students who meet or exceed their personalized goals. Please be sure to sign their reading log nightly. AR HOME CONNECT: eConnect
Curriculum continued…… Writing – Focus – Organization – Support & Elaboration – Style – Conventions Spelling: -Speller’s Choice - Three Activities – Due every Thursday
Curriculum continued …. Science *Objects in the Sky *Changes in Matter *Plant growth and Development/Soil *Human Body Social Studies * History *Geography *Economics *Civic & Government *Culture
Daily Schedule 8:45-9:35 Arrival, Breakfast, Morning Work 9:40 – 10:45 First Block 10:55– 11:25 Lunch 11:25-11:30 Restroom Break 11:30-12:00Recess 12:00-12:20DEAR Time 12:20 – 1:30 Second Block 1:30 – 1:50 Writing 1:55-2:40Specials 2:40-3:10Social Studies/Science 3:10-3:30 Read Aloud / Snack 3:30-3:45 Dismissal
Tentative Field Trips Planetarium (Fall) Mordecai House (Spring) Testing Windows BOG: Wednesday, July 22 nd CogAt- Fall (Possibly Septemeber) ITBS- Fall (Possibly November) (Select students only: Dependent upon CogAT scores) EOG: Second week of June
Homework Homework is given every night except on Fridays and before holidays or track outs. Reading should be done each night! This is a necessity! Since much of the EOG is informational text, please encourage your child to read non-fiction (including the text features), biographies, etc. Math homework will usually be given every night. Writing homework will be integrated with the spelling assignments. We are checking homework for completion, not for correctness. We are relying on parents to review homework with your child each night.
Early Dismissal Days This year there will be 6 Early Release Days. Dismissal is at 1:15 p.m. September 4 October 16 December 18 January 15 March 4 March 18 Mark your calendar!
Behavior Plan Review Bonus Bucks are earned for good decision making and good choices in class. Bonus Bucks are also taken away for poor choices/decisions. (Conduct cards) Bonus bucks can be redeemed for homework passes, special seating, etc. A class auction will be held at the end of every quarter so that Bonus Bucks can also be redeemed! (Donations appreciated and accepted.)
Communication FRIDAY Folders – previously known as Wednesday Folders Agendas – a great place to write a note. Please sign the agenda daily! I will check randomly for parent signatures, and students will earn bonus bucks. It is their RESPONSIBILITY to remind you to sign. Conferences – will be held during the 1 st quarter, 3 rd quarter, and as needed throughout the year. First Quarter conferences will be held with both teachers.
Personal Information A few parents have asked about contact information re: birthday parties, friend sleepovers, etc. If you are willing to have your / phone number given to another parent, please sign the sheet located on the table by the cubbies. I WILL NOT give out your personal information unless you have agreed to this.
Volunteers All volunteers must register on a WCPSS computer in the media center or computer lab (must have a valid driver’s license). October 31 st is the deadline. After this, the system will only be available on Mondays. Volunteer information was included at the bottom of the student information sheet that was sent home the first day of school. Friday Folders, Math Stars, Room Parent
Questions? Thank you for coming out this evening. I look forward to a wonderful year with your child!