¡Chispas! 2 nd Year2-12 nd Year2-1. ¡Chispas! MMy friend (masculine) and the friend of mine MMi amigo y el amigo mío OOur house and the house of.


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Presentation transcript:

¡Chispas! 2 nd Year2-12 nd Year2-1

¡Chispas! MMy friend (masculine) and the friend of mine MMi amigo y el amigo mío OOur house and the house of ours NNuestra casa y la casa nuestra HHis homework and the homework of his SSu tarea y la tarea suya TTheir books and the books of theirs SSus libros y los libros suyos

TThe toys of ours LLos juguetes nuestros TThe pants of mine and the shoes of hers LLos pantalones míos y los zapatos suyos TTheir dolls SSus muñecas YYour stuffed animal and the stuffed animal of hers TTu muñeco de peluche y el muñeco de peluche suyo

OOur friendship NNuestra amistad YYour (Spain) stepfather and the stepfather of yours (Spain) VVuestro padrastro y el padrastro vuestro TThe brother-in-law of mine EEl cuñado mío TThe girlfriend of his and the boyfriend of hers LLa novia suya y el novio suyo

TThe great-grandparents of ours are very nice. LLos bisabuelos nuestros son muy amables (simpáticos). TThe relative (feminine) of yours is rich. LLa pariente tuya es rica. OOur stepmother is nicer than the stepmother of his. NNuestra madrastra es más amable que la madrastra suya. TThe classmates (masculine) of mine are lively/animated. LLos compañeros míos son animados.

TThe stepbrother of his is sociable. EEl hermanastro suyo es sociable. OOur aunts are not shy. NNuestras tías no son tímidas. TThe twins (feminine) of hers LLas gemelas suyas YYour sister is fun but sometimes impatient. TTu hermana es divertida pero a veces impaciente.

TThe cousins (masculine) of mine LLos primos míos TThe great-grandmother of hers is the mother of her grandmother LLa bisabuela suya es la madre de su abuela TThe baby of ours EEl bebé nuestro TThe laughter of his is entertaining. LLa risa suya es divertida