Operational Planning Jason Smith
Operational Planning Goals –What Ops Planning is –What Ops Planning is not –What rules we operate under –Limitations –How Wind is incorporated in the plan 2
Operational Planning What it is: –Next-to-last line of defense –Keep the lights on –Last-chance outage coordination/review unique transmission outages every given day –Meets NERC requirement for coordination between RC, TOPs, and BAs 3
Current/Next Day Studies Monday-Friday process with on-call weekend support and re-study as necessary Collect forecasts for the time periods (current and next day) –Load –Outages (gen and trans) –Interchange –Wind Forecast –Gen Dispatch 4
Current/Next Day Studies Cases are built, then contingency analysis performed –Constraints identified – new Temp flowgates created as necessary –Outage schedules adjusted as needed –Operating Guides developed that have not been identified already –Ideally, curtailments found to be necessary on “non- available” resources are identified and coordinated at least day-ahead 5
Operational Planning What we can’t do: –Commit/decommit generation to avoid a curtailment unless reliability dictates such (IM changes this) –Deny outages to avoid a curtailment/re-dispatch unless reliability dictates such (voltage, capacity shortages, etc.) –Deny or reschedule outages to a more opportune, “economic” time –Guarantee that a previously approved outage will still be feasible at the start time 6
Operational Planning Governance –NERC Standards TOP-003, IRO-005, IRO-008 –SPP Criteria Section 5 – RC and member responsibilities –Appendix 7 – Data submission requirements –Appendix 12 – CROW Outage Submission Methodology –SPP Operating Reliability Working Group 7
Limitations We don’t know what we don’t know –Load forecast beyond 7 days is generally a guess –Generation commitment is a guess (today) –No economic impact of outages is studied i.e.: Possible to redispatch and maintain reliability but at enormous cost “Early” approvals –Attempt to balance need for providing early approvals to submitters without later causing a real-time reliability concern 8
Wind Forecast in Ops Planning Hourly wind forecasts for the next 168 hours (7 days) Major updates every 6 hours (hours 0-6 using current generation as feedback) Forecasts inserted into Ops Plan cases Re-dispatch forecasts based on assumed production –Forecast upon forecast leads to occasional large errors 9
Wind Forecast in Ops Planning (cont.) Short-lead outages reviewed, taking wind forecast into account –Due to the non-dispatchable nature, precautions must be taken to avoid errors –Op Guides stating the necessity of a limitation/ curtailment are required for wind resources – independent of forecast production 10
Questions 11