I-225 Corridor Project Updates Citizens Advisory Committee June 20, 2012
Request for Proposals (RFP)Status Kiewit Infrastructure Company submitted the unsolicited proposal earlier this year and was found to have merit. RTD released a RFP in early May for the I-225 Rail Line. The RFP is based on the unsolicited proposal and enabled Kiewit and other interested firms enter into competitive bidding process by submitting a detailed proposal which were due on June 14. RFP requested proposer to provided a Design-Build approach to construct the I-225 Rail Line beyond the Iliff Station with a Financial Solution that was within the RTD financial capacity RTD received two proposals (Balfour Beatty/Ames and Kiewit). RTD staff is in the process of reviewing the proposals
Joint RTD/CDOT Construction Project RTD Official Groundbreaking Ceremony held on May 11 SEMA Construction is the contractor on the RTD/CDOT joint projects that include: Civil elements of Nine Mile to Iliff light rail Widening of I-225 highway from Parker Road to Mississippi
Project Construction
Next Steps June 18 – June 29 –Review the proposals in response to the I-225 Rail Line RFP July 3 –Present recommendation for award to the RTD Board of Directors - FasTracks Monitoring Committee July 17 –RTD Board of Directors makes decision on proposed recommendation for award Summer Financial Close and Notice to Proceed Completion of the I-225 Rail Line – TBD Summer Completion of the I-225 Highway Widening
RTD FasTracks Mantra Build as much and we can, as fast as we can, until it’s all done
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