TELL ME NOW!!! Identify and Explain the “Monroe Doctrine.” It’s an old policy from early 19 th Century (1800’s)
AMERICAN IMPERIALISM!- Timeline…of sorts USA-Wealthy! Healthy! AWESOME!-End Of the 19 th Century Eyeballing Asia, Latin America AND Asia (SPAIN OWNS STUFF, TOO Era of President McKinley -Spanish-American War WE WIN. Get Lots of land Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippine Islands in Asia GREAT influence in Cuba Now with a role in Asia, US joins Europe In exploiting a weakened China
US And Cuba
US AND CUBA Cuba remains “independent.” USA will play a MAJOR role in telling Cuba what to do. The Platt Amendment Cuba cannot make treaties w/out US approval The US can intervene whenver we want in Cuba Cuba cannot go into debt We can buy or lease land for military use if we like CUBA IS NOW A PROTECTORATE OF THE USA
USA and Philippines Filipinos were INFURIATED with the USA, “you said you’d free us from Spain!” Resistance is immediate and violent Emilio Aguinaldo led the fight against American Colonialism Thousands died
After McKinley TR!! The USA is a new power and must act, behave, and LOOK like one Ordered the Panama Canal built, the Nation of Panama was created
Roosevelt Corollary Latin and South American nations became addicted to borrowing money from EUROPE-they were terribly in debt. “Speak Softly but carry a big stick” The USA will now use force to protect it’s interests in Latin America TR will modernize and demand an enormous navy be built. Great powers have great navy’s
Dollar Diplomacy Policy in Latin America adopted by President Taft USA will buy Latin American debt to Europe
Missionary Diplomacy President Wilson USA had a “MORAL” duty to deny recognition or aid to corrupt Latin American nations