Deirdre Seery The Sexual Health Centre Cork, Ireland This work is part of the Joint Action on Improving Quality in HIV Prevention (Quality Action), which has received funding from the European Union within the framework of the Health Programme.
Work Package 5 Capacity Building Aljona Jabu
WP5 role Workshops – One and Two – Dublin, Barcelona, Ljubljana and Tallinn Facilitation Manual E-Learning tool Input into Participation Guide Membership of Steering Group Co-ordinate with other work packages
WP 5 Journey 1 Work Package 5 Meeting 2 Facilitation Manual 3 Workshops part one 5 Revisions 4 E-Learning tool Workshops part two 6 Joint Work Package 7
HIV Prevention Sectors Innovative Committed people Layers of experience Objectives? Where is the carpet? How can we prove we are effective?
Quality Action "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skilful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.“ William A. Forster
Quality Innovation is not enough Quality is more than a label. It is a focus on the dynamics of production.
Integrate Quality Improvement
Objectives of the training To train participants in the use of the tools (1) To deepen knowledge of the tools (2) To increase participants’ capacity to assist others in applying the tools To build confidence in using QA/QI in HIV prevention To build a network of those trained to support future collaborations
Dublin – Succeed, PQD, QIP
Comment from Dublin “We are the foot soldiers for Quality Action”.
Barcelona – SHIFT and PQD
Comment from Barcelona 'My highlight is to be part of something alive, where I feel like I can also be a creator.'
Ljubljana – Shift and QIP
Comment from Ljubljana “When we travel to Quality Action workshops we find similarities that unite us rather than differences that separate us”.
Tallinn – Succeed and PIQA
Comment from Tallinn “This was the best workshop I have been at in 25 years of working in HIV. And I don't feel tired. I feel enthusiastic”.
National workshops Greece Austria Australia Belgium Estonia Germany Greece Italy Lithuania Norway Portugal Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland
Workshop formats
Even …….
Continuous Reflection and Improvement
Tools training sites
105 people trained at European workshops
National Trainings
World Cafe “I am really glad that during the second workshop there was also attention for the other tools by addressing them and explaining them in the World Café.
Quality Action Map
Supports for training
Facilitation Manual Quality Improvement in HIV Prevention Concepts of Quality Improvement Quality Action Tools Facilitation tips and exercises
E-Learning Tool Similar structure to explain each tool Easier access to tools Videos Interactivity? Integration into website New section Reflection and improvement
Network across Europe
Sustainability? “I think we share similar experiences and it was really useful. You can see around this room all our production. So I think it was really, really useful. I think this second workshop worked better than the previous one. But that is normal because we are already connected. We have already some experience. So it’s different.” (FGD 8)
Thank you to BZgA for their choice of partners and co-ordination To the country contacts for selecting such great participants To Work Package 5 who helped make it all possible To the participants for their engagement, fun and inspiration To the tools trainers who were a pleasure to work with To the Steering Group for the experience of working with people with commitment and expertise To the staff at SHC for their contributions and support
To Matthias and Caro
And here is to work/life balance
What Quality Action has given us The Scale to Soar Higher The Knowledge to Reach Further The Scale to Soar Higher The Knowledge to Reach Further