Software Engineering Seminar Proposal Name: Mr.Prachya Plasananya ID: Major: Software Engineering Seminar Advisor: Aj. Nikorn Rongbutsri
LOGO Seminar Title Quality Attribute Workshops (QAWs)
LOGO Contents Background and Rational 1 Objective 2 Expected Result 3 Scope 4 Methodology 5 Planning and Duration 6
LOGO Background and Rational In SDLC analysis and design phase; when design or create system architecture. Sometime may be missing some quality. For this situation has effect to a system to low quality, increase cost or project failure.
LOGO Background and Rational SEI (Software Engineering Institute) create many technique for solve that problem which QAWs or Quality Attribute Workshops is a one technique for provide important quality attribute and clarify system requirement before create architecture. That gets information from business goal or mission.
LOGO Background and Rational The result of QAWs includes a list of architecture drivers, the raw scenario, the prioritized list of raw scenario and the refine scenarios.
LOGO Background and Rational This information can be used to update the organization’s architectural vision, refine system and software requirement, guide the development of prototypes, exercise simulations, understand and clarify the system’s architectural drivers, influence the order in which the architecture is developed, describe the operation of a system and use all information to design the architecture.
LOGO Objective 1)To understand a technique about method to design architecture for gets more quality. Objective 2)Can apply this technique in real life.
LOGO Expected Result I will understand QAWs a one way technique of SEI for design the architecture and apply this technique to some my project. I will know information and a process of QAWs. I can use QAWs. I know that when use this technique.
LOGO Scope Information about QAWs Process of QAWs QAWs method Benefit of QAWs
LOGO Methodology Search a data Making a proposal Proposal presentation Making report project Presentation preparation and Finish report Present a project Submit a final report
LOGO Planning and Duration No. Plan Month JuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober Search a data 2 Making a proposal 3 Proposal presentation 4 Making report project 5 Presentation preparation and Finish report 6 Present a project 7 Submit a final report