PHL. 322 Presented by Ph. Mohammed Assiri Teaching Assistant College of Pharmacy KSU
I- CNS Stimulants Drugs I- CNS Stimulants Drugs
Nervous System Nervous System The nervous system can be classified into The nervous system can be classified into The Central Nervous System (CNS) Brain and spinal cord The Central Nervous System (CNS) Brain and spinal cord The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS( The nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS( The nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System PNS Peripheral Nervous System PNS Can be divided into- 1- Sensory division(affrent) Conducts impulses from receptors to the CNS and Informs the CNS of the state of the body 2- Motor division(effrent) Conducts impulses from CNS to effectors organs.
Motor Neurons The motor division is also divided into The motor division is also divided into 1- The somatic nervous system : 1- The somatic nervous system : VOLUNTARY (generally) Somatic nerve fibers that conduct impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles VOLUNTARY (generally) Somatic nerve fibers that conduct impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles 2. The autonomic nervous system: 2. The autonomic nervous system: INVOLUNTARY (generally) Conducts impulses from the CNS to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands INVOLUNTARY (generally) Conducts impulses from the CNS to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands
Neurons Neurons They are the basic functional unit of the nervous system. They are the basic functional unit of the nervous system. They contain three major parts: They contain three major parts: 1.cell body. 1.cell body. 2. dendrites. 2. dendrites. 3. axon. 3. axon.
Neurotransmitters CNS Neurotransmitters CNS They can be classified into : They can be classified into : 1. Excitatory: 1. Excitatory: - Ach, glutamate, aspartate, serotonin and NE. - Ach, glutamate, aspartate, serotonin and NE. 2. Inhibitory:- 2. Inhibitory:- - GABA, glycin. - GABA, glycin.
CNS Stimulants CNS Stimulants Defination Defination “ Stimulants are a substance which tends to increase behavioral activity when administered ”
Signs and symptoms: Signs and symptoms: 1- Elevate Mood 1- Elevate Mood 2- Increase Motor Activity 2- Increase Motor Activity 3- Increase Alertness 3- Increase Alertness 4- Decrease need for Sleep 4- Decrease need for Sleep In case of overdose lead to convulsion and death. In case of overdose lead to convulsion and death.
MOA of CNS Stimulants MOA of CNS Stimulants 1- Block neurotransmitters reuptake (Most reuptake inhibitors affect either NE or 5- HT(Serotonin) 1- Block neurotransmitters reuptake (Most reuptake inhibitors affect either NE or 5- HT(Serotonin) 2- Promote neurotransmitters release 2- Promote neurotransmitters release 3- Block Metabolism - MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase) 3- Block Metabolism - MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase) 4. Antagonize the effect of inhibitory neurotransmitter 4. Antagonize the effect of inhibitory neurotransmitter
Neuronal Synapse
CNS Stimulants CNS Stimulants - They can be divided based on their site of action: - They can be divided based on their site of action: 1.Cerebral stimulants (Amphetamines) 1.Cerebral stimulants (Amphetamines) 2.Medullary stimulants (Picrotoxin) 2.Medullary stimulants (Picrotoxin) 3.Spinal stimulants (Strychnine) 3.Spinal stimulants (Strychnine)
Lab Work Lab Work - Objectives: - Objectives: 1- To demonstrate effects of some CNS stimulant on mice. 1- To demonstrate effects of some CNS stimulant on mice. 2- After the lab, you will be able to handle and inject the mice correctly. 2- After the lab, you will be able to handle and inject the mice correctly. 3- You will be able to differentiate between Amphetamine,Picrotoxin and Strychinine regarding the symptoms that induced by each of them. 3- You will be able to differentiate between Amphetamine,Picrotoxin and Strychinine regarding the symptoms that induced by each of them.
1- Amphetamine 1- Amphetamine MOAs : MOAs : Block the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine into the presynaptic neuron and increase the release of these monoamines into the extraneuronal space. - Clinical use: Block the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine into the presynaptic neuron and increase the release of these monoamines into the extraneuronal space. - Clinical use: 1. Narcolepsy. 1. Narcolepsy. 2. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 2. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Amphetamine Amphetamine Adverse effects: Adverse effects: - Cardiovascular: Hypertension - Cardiovascular: Hypertension - Endocrine metabolic: Weight loss - Endocrine metabolic: Weight loss - Gastrointestinal: Abdominal pain,Loss of appetite Xerostomia - Gastrointestinal: Abdominal pain,Loss of appetite Xerostomia - Neurologic: Headache, Insomnia - Neurologic: Headache, Insomnia - Psychiatric: Feeling nervous - Psychiatric: Feeling nervous
Amphetamine Amphetamine After injecting, the mice with amphetamine you will notice: - Hair erection After injecting, the mice with amphetamine you will notice: - Hair erection - Licking, gnawing. - Licking, gnawing. - Stereotype - Stereotype - Sniffing - Sniffing
Picrotoxin Picrotoxin MOA: MOA: Non-competitive antagonist of GABA receptors. Non-competitive antagonist of GABA receptors. After injecting the mice with picrotoxin you will notice: - Clonic convulsion characterized by : After injecting the mice with picrotoxin you will notice: - Clonic convulsion characterized by : 1. Asymmetric 1. Asymmetric 2. Intermittent 2. Intermittent 3. Spontaneous 3. Spontaneous 4. Coordinated 4. Coordinated
Strychinine Strychinine MOA: MOA: Competitive antagonist of the glycin receptors. Competitive antagonist of the glycin receptors. After injecting the mice with Strychinine you will After injecting the mice with Strychinine you will notice: - Tonic convulsion characterized by : notice: - Tonic convulsion characterized by : 1. Symmetric 1. Symmetric 2. Reflex in origin 2. Reflex in origin 3. Continuous 3. Continuous 4. Uncoordinated. 4. Uncoordinated.