REF: Open access requirements Directorate of Academic Support December 2015
…to be eligible for submission to the post-2014 REF, authors’ outputs must have been deposited in an institutional or subject repository. Deposited material should be discoverable, and free to read and download, for anyone with an internet connection… HEFCE (2015)
…to be eligible for submission to the post-2014 REF, authors’ outputs must have been deposited in an institutional or subject repository. Deposited material should be discoverable, and free to read and download, for anyone with an internet connection… What is Open Access?
GREEN OPEN ACCESS Full text of research output (final peer reviewed manuscript) deposited in an online repository Free to author and reader Discoverable via search engines Downloadable with no access restrictions Free access may be delayed due to publisher embargo GOLD OPEN ACCESS Full text of research published in an open access / hybrid journal Free to reader; author pays Article processing charge Discoverable via search engines Downloadable with no access restrictions Free access available immediately
REF 2020 requirements: From April , journal articles and conference papers must be deposited in a repository within three months of the date of publication. From April , it is likely they will need to be deposited within three months of acceptance. In all cases, they must the final, peer-reviewed manuscript
Two key criteria for deposits 1.They must be discoverable to anyone with internet connection, and to search engines. 2.Anyone with internet access must be able to search the text, read it and download it without charge. WIRE fulfils both criteria
Embargoes Access requirements must be fulfilled as soon as any embargo period has elapsed. Embargoes should not exceed: 12 months for REF Main Panel A and B - medicine and science 24 months for REF Main Panel C and D - arts and social sciences (if crossover of panels longer term applies) WIRE automatically exposes content at end of embargo
Article accepted for publication Copy of final manuscript submitted to archive (WIRE) Publisher conditions checked EMBARGO required Bibliographic details/ metadata published, full text ‘dark’ archived NO EMBARGO required Bibliographic details / metadata published and full text article available EMBARGO ends Full text of article openly accessible Publisher conditions:
Exceptions: Employment situation Delay in securing final manuscript (multi-author) Unlawful / security risk / third party content Technical faults / repository failure The publication concerned requires an embargo period that exceeds the stated maximum, and was the most appropriate for the output The publication concerned actively disallows open access deposit and was the most appropriate for the output
Valid exception for not depositing BUT: It is recommend by HEFCE that Gold open access articles and papers are also deposited, as soon as possible after publication. Papers published via Gold Open Access?
If an article or paper isn’t compliant with all of the criteria, and no valid exception was recorded, then it will receive an unclassified score in the REF. HEFCE (2015)
Research outputs not included in the open access requirements: books and other long-form publications non-text, creative and practice-based research research data However, where an institution has taken steps towards enabling open access for these, credit will be given.
DAS Recommendations All research and conference papers to be deposited in WIRE on acceptance for publication Where there is a valid exception, paper to still be deposited, noting exception so that it meets at minimum the discoverability criteria All research published in Open Access journals to also be deposited in WIRE Monographs / chapters to be deposited in WIRE and made open access where publisher allows Arrangements for APCs should be part of bid for research funding (where possible)
Using WIRE Wolverhampton Institutional Repository and E-theses Upload via web-form – you’ll need –Manuscript –Bibliographic information (Author, title etc.) –Digital Object Identifier (From publisher) –Key words Self archiving possible
WIRE Usage Journal articles with contributions by University of Wolverhampton researchers (source: SCOPUS) Journal articles uploaded to WIRE3327
Further information HEFCE Policy: WIRE: (further info) WIRE Support: Open Access: Publisher policies on Open Access