Welcome to the Second Topical Workshop on Instabilities, Impedance and Collective Effects (TWIICE 2) jointly hosted by Diamond Light Source and the John Adams Institute at the University of Oxford
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Cosener's House is on an island in the River Thames within the original grounds of Abingdon Abbey, located near the centre of the town of Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England. The house takes its name from the Cuisinier or Kitchener, the person at the Abbey who was responsible for the provision of food. [2] The building is Grade II listed. [3]River ThamesAbingdon AbbeyAbingdon OxfordshireEngland [2]Grade II listed [3] Welcome to the Cosener's House
From: Bartolini, Riccardo (DLSLtd,RAL,TEC) Sent: 08 January :01 To: Walker, Richard (DLSLtd,RAL,TEC) Subject: FW: TWIICE 2, Topical Workshop on Instabilities, Impedance and Collective Effects - 8th-10th February last announcement Richard Since Diamond has a prominent role in the organisation of this workshop (although I am paying for it…) It would be good to have an opening address from you saying that Diamond II is a high priority for Diamond and these studies are very relevant and encouraged… Is there any chance for you to do so (and register to the workshop?) Regards Riccardo Thanks to Riccardo for the “kind” invitation to be here:
Diamond-II is a high priority ! currently working on a “DTBA” or “D3BA” or “modified 6BA” lattice … … and these studies are very relevant and encouraged !
not only for Diamond-II … 1) “DDBA” (Double DBA) installation in one cell in Oct./Nov ! New narrow gap magnets & vacuum vessels arriving – girder assembly is underway:
2) Installation of two EU/HOM-damped cavities in 2017 ! (to augment the two superconducting cavities – not replace them..) Plenty of scope for interesting studies of instabilities, impedance and collective effects …
I hope you have an enjoyable and successful Workshop !