Intensive complements Kuiper and Allan Chapter 7.2.4
Intensive complements Data –a. The car appeared a wreck. –b. The jury seemed a disgruntled group. –c. A whole town became a disturbed community. The underlined NPs are not objects but intensive complements.
Properties of intensive complements Complements are not new entities but refer back to a previous NP. They can be NP, AP, or PP. They follow only certain kinds of verbs like seem, be, appear and become which do not take direct objects.
Intensive complements after direct objects Some verbs take both a direct object and a complement. –elect NP president –name NP Sophie –appoint NP secretary –find NP boring
Exercise Find the DO, IOs and ICs in the following data: a. Jean sold Freda a bicycle. b. Tom owned a new camera. c. Sylvia likes her breakfast hot. d. Jonty appeared very shy. e. The captain judged Harriet the most valuable player.