National Honors Society Utica High School Meeting 1: 9/15/15
Welcome Back Members! School Year!
Old Business Members that have not yet completed their hours from LAST YEAR need to have them done within the next 10 weeks of school! See Ms. Kammann ASAP if you are unsure if this applies you
Reminders Our website: is used to turn in hours (accessible through website) – use code Office 365 is FREE to use & download Office (2013) – strongly recommend downloading to use as well, makes for easier communication Sign up for Remind101
Homecoming Parade Need members to walk with NHS at the Parade Friday, 9/18/15 – 3:30 to line up Try your best to carpool Motion to get a purchase order of $200 to buy candy from Shelby Wholesale If walking, bring something to hold the candy in, ex: bucket, bag, etc. (would be nice if it could be theme related- “Aloha Homecoming”)
Service Opportunities It is important to keep track of time when it comes to volunteering, Seniors especially! No Double-Dipping with your Senior Project or other clubs, ex: Key Club, Student Council, etc.
Service Opportunities Ctd. October: Stoney Creek, taking volunteers Rake – N – Run and/or Shovel – N Run Spanish Tutor?? Kindergarten Math Tutors (2)?? Goal: at least 1 Service Project per Month
Gift for Mrs. Kilius Mrs. Kilius does a lot for NHS so we want to do something back Any gift ideas? Motion to purchase a gift
Side Notes Tapping (for new members)- October 23 rd, breakfast during 1 st and 2 nd hours Formal Initiation Ceremony – December 10 th ***this is required to attend*** 7:00pm
Happy Tuesday