Warm Up Aug. 3, 2010 Write down at least 3 expectations that I have for you while you are in my classroom Pull out the pink paper containing a periodic table and safety rules Have out paper and something to write with for taking notes
Safety Symbol Corrosive chemical
Safety Symbol Fire Extinguisher
Safety Symbols Radioactive Material
Safety Symbols Flammable
Safety Symbols Biohazard material
Safety Symbols Eye Protection Eye Wash Station
Safety Symbols Toxic Material Chemical Hazard Symbol
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets Information about EVERY chemical Flammables, Corrosives, Toxins, Reactives Description of the chemical (Solid, liquid, etc.) Health hazards (Carcinogenic, poison, skin irritant, etc.) First aid (Wash eyes, wash affected area, etc.) Protection (goggles, gloves, etc.) Disposal Procedures Fire Data
Labeling Name of chemical Its concentration (if it is a solution) Who made it When it was made Storage codes (don’t work about this)